
Ah Fuck Me...

Being the lazy, procrastinating shit that I am, I will not be turning in my bio lab tomorrow. I will however be turning it in on Wednesday, so help me god. Ah, but fuck me.
So Thanksgiving went well. Jack wasn't an obnoxious wanker which was a nice change. Molly made a good dinner and I even got some mash which was definitely nice. Over all it was a semi-relaxing time, if not a bit boring at times. Thankfully (hohoho) it was over pretty quickly and then I got to go to bed. Thank heavens.
So yeah...shall we start the twitch fest? Just two articles, but I can get pretty twitchy, especially if I have to look at one right after the other. :twitch:
Kaiser Chiefs roadtest new material
:twitch: Damn Europeans. :twitch: 'S not fair. :twitch: :twitch, twitch:
Kaiser Chiefs speak about new material Damn teases :twitch: Just release the fucking "new material" already. :twitch: 'S NOT FAIR!!! I WANT TO HEAR IT TOO!!!!!!!! :twitch: :twitch, twitch:
So that's it. I'm going to sleep now and dream horrible dreams about yeast.



Before I go off to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving, I thought I might write up a little list of things I'm thankful. See I'm going to need to remember that I'm thankful for things because my youngest cousin drives me up the wall. So I'll have to remember that today is not about killing spoiled brats but about being thankful.

Things and People I am Thankful For (in no particular order):
  • Kaiser Chiefs and all things related to Kaiser Chiefs including, but limited to; Ricky, Ricky doll, LJ Ricky communities, "Modern Way," Employment, "People Need Light," and their yet to be released second album
  • Friends. All of them. Even the pooey ones who disagree with me.
  • Yahoo! Music Engine and Jukebox
  • Family without whom I wouldn't be alive or would be a hell of lot more crazy than I am now
  • Diet Coke
  • Solitaire
  • NME and This is Fake DIY
  • My music collection in its entirety (which includes everything on and not on my mp3 player)
  • Terry Pratchett, Julian Barnes, and Douglas Adams
  • 42
  • The UK
Yup...I'm sure there's more that I could think of, but I think that's the best stuff. Now I have to finish getting ready to leave and what not. I'll see you later and have a happy Turkey Day (US) and a good Thursday (everywhere else.)


A Mini MusicSecret

So I was browsing through LJ musicsecret, when I came upon these little goodies. They're out of original order, but that's to not scare you.

Nelly Furtado

Kaiser Chiefs

[Snarky comment about R: oh the face, how I love the face. The "I'm trying to look confused or some shit like that" face. :sigh:]

I agree with both, though I'm slightly ambivalent about the second. I just really want it to come out. But I fully agree with the first one. I was highly disappointed with her new album. Oh well. We'll always have "Folklore." Alright...I'm off to play solitaire till dinner to avoid my grandmother. Have a lurvely night.



"If you aren't going to college next fall, you won't be living here."
"Next fall, if everything works out, it will just be the two of us."
Some parents have awful relationships with their kids. My father for instance has an absolutely horrible relationship with his parents. It seems like most of my friends, both present and past, have had bad relationships with friends. One friend of mine's sister was sent off to boarding school at the beginning of high school because her parents didn't want to deal with a teenage girl. Although I don't know for a certainty, I suspect the same thing happened to her. I've always thought that my relationship with my parents, though not optimal, is better than most. I'm not like one friend of mine who fights with her father constantly. As always, things could be worse between myself and my parents. But how am I suppose to take comments like the above? And after saying these things, mum doesn't even take into account how I must feel and starts blabbering about whatever the hell she wants. I highly doubt she would have said something like to Sophs. She claims not to be a pessimist, but I think she is at her core. It hurts to think that my own mother thinks I won't make it into college. I worry so often that I won't be accepted by anyone because they'll know that I'm crazy and have horrible work ethic. I keep wanting to put off applying because I don't want to know what my future holds. I want to be able to keep imagining that everything will work out well for me. I doubt myself and my abilities so much that having mum say those things...it kills me. I know that my relationship with her has been fairly good considering everything and comparing it to other people's relationships with their mothers (like my mum's relationship with her's) and that makes the if's and unintentionally cruel statements so much worse. I know that's she's just trying to get me to do what I have to, but goddammit couldn't she find another way? Doesn't she realize how much it hurts that she seems to have no confidence in me? But I can't retaliate against her. So I just sit here and stew. Goddamn her.


This post asks the question that I would love to know the answer to: How tall is Ricky? My fantasy answer is 6ft, thus making Nick, Simon, and Whitey giants and Peanut still short. In reality that's probably not true, but a girl can dream right? Anyway, make sure to take a look at the piccie for I find it very sexy. Though it's almost impossible to find a picture where I don't find him at least good looking. [random side note: this is how to be a fangirl. Really. All the other fangirls just don't measure up to me.] So yeah. I wish I knew how tall he is. :sigh:
In any event, I have to finish my part of cleaning house. As if Sophs doesn't know what our house usually looks like. But alas and alack grandparents are coming too, so I guess it's kind of for them too. Poo.


Mall Rat

Things Nore Likes To Do...
  • Listen to Regina Spektor and finally figure out why everyone in the music blogosphere thinks she's such a darling. (No seriously, listen to "On the Radio" and try not to fall for her vocals. "Apres Moi" is like an instrumental explosion, so beautiful.)
  • Read funny articles that are funny because they're so true and realizing that the if I could be one person in the whole world it would be a British guy. (If you feel like punching Bono in the face go read this. And yes, I do want to be Kirkland Ciccone, and not because his name is Kirkland.)
  • Reading funny "imagined monologues" and laughing because they too are so true. (This is what I think Dave, Mark, Simon, and Whitey think of their respective lead singers. At least it would be really amusing if that is what they thought of them. But really it's just amusing because at one point or another it was probably true with any band.)
Things Nore Does Not Like To Do...
  • Spend nearly four hours at the mall, most of which was spent in all the major department stores and trying to navigate around the hoards at the mall.
  • Hear a song from "Hopes and Fears" in the lingerie section of Macy's. Where little old ladies shop. Little old ladies who could never possibly appreciate Keane like me.
  • Try on clothing in nasty changing rooms with horrible lighting and feeling horribly fat.
Oh the mall. I loathe the mall. I like shopping, but I hate the mall. Too many people, too much noise, too many bad smells and it's all so tiring. But I did get to go to Anthropologie which is where I heard Regina Spektor and I got a really nice skirt that I can wear to school. That bit was nice, but it was right at the end so I was tired and couldn't appreciate it as much as I would have earlier. Anyway, that's how I spent my day. Walking around the mall, trying on clothing and feeling fat. Now I'm tired, but will be going to "Shakespeare in Hollywood" which will nice, if also tiring. But let's just say, I couldn't imagine being a mall rat.

Internet, my Internet

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?
Too much. Far too much.

2. What are your favorite 3 websites?
I have to pick three? Are you fucking kidding me? Well, I guess Monkey Blaster Entertainment (Clicken Gold), Lily Allen (for the music and silly forum people), and LiveJournal (my friends page needs constant checking just incase someone decided to update one of the Kaiser Chief communities).

3. Do you eat at your computer?
Sometimes. I mostly drink diet Coke though. Sometimes chocolate.

4. Pick one and why - Reading the news online or in a newspaper?
Since I don't read the news can I pick NPR?

5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list?
Hmmm...AIM...um two. Sophs and my mum. Which is very sad. So here! Have my screname: indiebritroker

Umm...it's almost Thanksgiving. I'm collating a Christmas list of sorts, which mostly involves finding BBC tv series. :) I'll have something to do over Christmas. Anyway...have a nice weekend.


Stupid college shit...

"Self-description: VERY IMPORTANT! Describe the way you see yourself. We want to know who you think you are. Please include all positive attributes you feel would be of interest to college admissions counselors who are trying to evaluate your suitability for their campus and your probability of academic success. You might cover such issues as study habits, academic strengths, your role in family, your personal values, character strengths, goals in life and anything else you feel would help us characterize you better in your recommendation letter. (Use back if needed)."
I fucking hate this. How the hell am I suppose to describe myself without making me sound like a loon?! I mean honestly. Mum can say I'm not obsessed all she likes, but really we both know I'm obsessed. How do I go about explaining that at the moment my whole life is wrapped up in trying to get into college so I can then leave the college as soon as is allowable? I like Mary Wash because of it's study abroad program. I could give a rat's ass about the rest of it. :sigh: Positive attributes...I'm a dedicated fangirl? I spend hours and hours obsessing over the fact that I might have to get a myspace account so I can better keep track of a band I like? For Christ's sake, what the hell am I suppose to say? I lived in a bubble for the first twelve years of my life and now have a very warped sense of how the world works? Or better yet, I yell at people I've never met and have no chance of meeting for doing things that I don't "like." Like touring some place other than the metro DC area. :nods: Oh yeah, college admissions people will love that. God...It was enough that I had to write some stupid ass essays, why on earth do I have to write more of the same shit for my counselor? Why can't she just rely on other people? Other people seem to have a much easier time describing me. But no...my stupid bitch of a counselor needs me to describe myself. :shakes head: So stupid and annoying. Oh well. It's better than trying (and failing miserably) to memorize the "To be or not to be" speech from Hamlet. Off I go...


So somewhere in here I mentioned Ricky doll. Well my friends I now have living proof of Ricky doll. I would like to point out that I did the colouring of the hair. Everything else was done by Mar, which is why I'm now hispanic. Huzzah!! Ricky Doll:

That's it. Have a nice day.


The Long and Winding Road to Pictures

So, after typing in the url for Lily Allen's site one too many times I decided to add the link to my "1 Site Bands" folder. Now I can be lazy when I want to listen to her music! So anyway, while I was listening to her music I was looking around the site, looking at the various pictures and other such things. Which is when I discovered these pictures. Ms. Allen certainly has a style of her own, one which I'm not going to be copying any time soon. After looking at some of the pictures, I noticed that the gallery was alphabetized and so thought to myself "Mayhaps this photographer will have pictures of Kaiser Chiefs. I know they've been to Paris before." So I scrolled down and did in fact find Kaiser Chief photos. Positively thrilled was I, especially since the majority of them are of R. So, having noticed that right below KC were pics of Kasabian, I looked through some of those which was when I discovered that there were dates. So I went back to the Kaiser Chief photos and discovered that these photos are from their first show in their first tour in support of their yet to be released second album. I was even more thrilled by this than I was by simply finding them. Unfortch I was cleaning my room so I haven't gotten a chance to write about any of this until now. So go look at all the lovely photos. I'm going to finish practicing my clarinet.


Hot Friday Five

At the moment I'm listening to Hot Club de Paris who are a fabulous British band. Hence the "hot" in the title of this entry. Anyway...onto the Friday Five! Some of this answers are highly predictable. And by highly predictable, I mean really fucking obvious. Onwards and upwards!

1) If you had to move 100 miles or more to the north, east, west, or south, which would you choose, where would you end up, and what's so great about there?
:thinks very hard: LONDON!!!!!! LONDON, LONDON, LONDON, LONDON!!!! And if you have to ask what's so great about London, then you haven't been paying attention. Because everything about London is great. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. :smiles:

2) Do you have a favorite stretch of highway or byway for driving, touring, or wandering?
My personal favourite place to go driving is I-81 because it's so amazingly tranquil and the scenery is gorgeous. And it's incredibly straight. :nods: 81 is my interstate highway.

3) Are you happier to start a trip or return home?
I get excited about going on trips but then I get really excited about going home. So, I'm happier with both. Most of the middle of trips are only so, so. This is mainly because I have to be highly social which I loathe and despise. So yeah...I like starting and ending trips.

4) Plane, train, automobile, bicycle, or foot?
Train, mos def. Cars are too cramped, as are planes, which also smell. Bicycle is just asking for trouble and does foot. So yeah, I love trains. They're perfect. Not too cramped (for the most part) and they don't smell funny in the same way that planes do. Also, you can see all the scenery that is there to see. Besides there's a band called i LiKE TRAiNS.

5) Do you overplan or underplan your travels? (Assume that "no" is not a valid answer.)
No. :giggles: I'm so evil. I don't normally plan my travels, so I can't really say.

That's it. See ya laters.



:sigh: So I discovered Weebl and Bob through a guy I knew at Stu/possibly Avers. In any event I love them because it's all about pie and it's british and...it's really fuckin' hi-larious. Definantly would highly recommend anything on the the weebl stuff site. Tis very funny overall. Especially the series having to do with the moon. In any event, the point is Weebl and Bob. They're obsessed with pie. Mmmmm, pie. They've had many adventures, but this latest one...oh it tops them all. Because it takes and popular song and makes it into a song about PIE!! Yes, I know. Weebl and Bob are bringing pie back. Just like some other dip is trying to bring sexy back. Me? I'm bringing nothing back. Go watch!!!
In other news, I have some recommendations:
Lily Allen!! All you have to do is click the little track titled "Littlest Things" and it will start playing all the wonderful music available to you on the little...music thing. Take a listen. Personally, I can't stop. She's brilliant, ace, and lots of other good things. All the songs are also brilliant, ace, and lots of other good things. Too bad you can't here "Alfie." That's my personal favourite. Oh well. Go listen to the other tracks.
Actually that's it...I know lame. So without further ado, here's a lovely picture drawn by a friend of mine. She has titled it "Thing 8" so I shall do the same. Here's "Thing 8"

I personally like the tongue thing. Night y'all.



:manic grin: I'm not crazy...honest. :continues the scary grin:
Some other pictures of R to cleanse the pallet. :manic grin: They're from Iceland. :rocks back and forth: How can a person go from this to this, this, or this in any amount of time? Wait...or the reversal actually. Men are strange!! I'm going to go check on baked ziti. Have a nice night.

Today in a Numerical List

  1. I voted. I'm very proud of myself for not really screwing up the whole thing. I have the little sticker and everything to prove that I voted. So yeah...I voted!!!
  2. I interviewed at Hollins and was repeatedly told by my admissions counselor how glad she was that I came back. Hollins is still Hollins. I saw the music building. :nods: Is it horrible that I still really want to go to Mary Wash? Especially since I just called it Mary Wash instead of Mary Washington? God...I really want to go to college, but picking is too fucking hard. But yeah, the interview went well. Hollins is Hollins.
  3. I'm home now. I have discovered the following things: The NME yearbook is coming out sometime soon. And this picture shouldn't exists. Ya know why? 1) Ricky and beard = Nore screaming like a stuck pig and 2) I'm secretly obsessed with Dr. Who because I don't watch it so...more screaming basically. And who isn't surprised that Oasis is interviewing their proteges Kasabian? But who is surprised that the Kooks are interviewing Blondie? The correct answer for both questions would be me. Yeah...I was right when I said during my interview that I spend way too much time obsessing over the small things. God I'm a freak!! Anyway...the yearbook is coming and it's only just November. Huzzah for ignoring this month completely!!
So that's it. Have a nice night. I have to finish my internal assessment. Yuck.


The Pitfalls of Procrastination

So I'm about...33% done with my internal assessment. I've done the easy parts basically. The hard part is coming up, so I've started procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. See, as far as I'm concerned, the paper isn't due until Wednesday at 11:59pm and if I've got the easy bits done, I'm doing pretty well. Besides, Mar's party isn't until 6 (to which I will not be showing up on time) so I figure that's about...4 hours to finish this thing for the most part. I mean, if I get section C completely done and most of section D, I can get the rest of section D and section E done on Wednesday before the deadline. Ideally (which is what I'm aiming for) I'll get all of sections C, D, and most of section E done today so I can do the evil nit picky stuff on Wednesday or tomorrow. Really though...I've got time. I write pretty quickly when I put my mind to it. Besides, section C is really pretty easy and section E is just evil because it's the conclusion. The only really hard part is section D, which still confuses me somewhat. Ugh...at least I've finished my biblio though. The really easy parts are all done. :sigh:
So...The Blood Arm, Lily Allen, and the Young Knives are all cds that I want but can't get because they haven't been released here, as in the States. I have no idea when the Blood Arm or the Young Knives are releasing their LPs here, but I know when Lily Allen is releasing hers (February.) So, yeah. :sigh:
I'm going to do section C now. get it done. Yes. that's what I'll do. Section C. Now.


Friday Five is Back Again

So I'm doing Friday Five this week for the hell of it. Plus this week they asked stuff about music, so I have to answer.

1) What was the first CD/Record/Album/Artist you ever bought and what format was it in? (Vinyl/Cassette/CD/MP3 Download)?
I think it was B*Witched and it was a CD, though honestly I don't remember.

2) How do you usually listen to music? (iPod/Walkman/Stereo/Radio)
I usually listen either through my mp3 or Yahoo Music Jukebox

3) What is your favorite genre of music and why?
My favourite genre you say? Umm...British rock music? I guess that covers about 75% of what I listen to. Then there's the miscellaneous stuff...so yeah I guess British

4) What is your opinion on music video shows and music televion?
I like music videos because it means I get to see Ricky (or Alex and Alex or Tom and Tom or whomever) and stare longingly at him (not true for Alex and Alex or Tom, though true for the other Tom) {bonus points if you can figure out who the hell I'm talking about}

5) Do you usually agree with who the winners of the Grammy Awards are?
No. :shrugs: They don't nominate enough good (aka my) music. It's mostly crap. But maybe that's because I only listen to indie...hmmm.

Tom and Tom and Alex and Alex. 1 Ricky, 1 Michael, 1 Keith, 1 Damian. Oh it's so fun knowing the first names of all the lead singers of my favourite bands. Such joy.

An Annotated Email from Kaiser Chiefs

Hello Everyone

Time for a word in your ears (or inboxes) We hope you've been keeping well. Our new album is recorded, we're mixing in London at the moment. Nick spoke to Billboard last week about things. Here's that interview. [yes the hyperlinks don't work, but don't worry, it doesn't really matter]

So what's there to talk about...The recent past.
We had an ace time in Iceland at Airwaves. We would and will recommend Iceland to anyone, apart from the cost of everything, it's one of the best places we've ever been. Thanks to all of you who travelled, particularly if you came halfway across the world, like those of you from Japan [lucky sons of bitches who have far too much time on their hands]. It was great to play live again, apologies for the non-deliberate mistakes, we'd not played for 8 weeks [umm...]! The day after the show, we went for a trip to the Blue Lagoon with The Cribs. Slightly surreal, but pictures of us all in our swimming gear are now out there... somewhere [WHERE!?! I want to see!!!].

Now the present: At the moment we're spending our time between rehearsing for the European shows and mixing the Album [grrr...]with Stephen Street and Cenzo Townsend in London. Last week we rolled up to The Good, The Bad & the Queen at BBC Electric Proms, which we all thought was ace & we met Paul Simenon which was brilliant.

Next: See you in Europe, the dates are below, they start next week in Paris. They're Sold Out, apart from Milan and Greece which have only just gone on sale (and Transmusicales is a Festival). We've got great supports along for the ride, The Pigeon Detectives in Paris, Antwerp, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Madrid and Milan - their single 'Found Out' is out on Nov 6th. Go and buy it [I would if I could]...it's brilliant and is Zane Lowe's Record Of The Week on Radio 1 this week. We've got Mumm-Ra [mum who?]with us in Germany for shows in Berlin and Munich - their debut single 'Out Of The Question' has just been released. Joining us for our show in Copenhagen are Danes Figurines and finally CCS (Cansei De Ser Sexy for those of you that speak Brazilian) [except it's not Brazilian it's Portguese, since there's no such thing as Brazilian] will be playing with us at Transmusicales Festival in Rennes, France on Dec 9th

We've also finally got our MySpace site to run ourselves [NOOO!!!]. It's been announced on the main site but there's some new old songs up there, live versions of Hits basically. Go on be our friend and all that. Our MySpace and Website will be getting brought up to date over the next couple of months as well. In fact we'll have a brand new website, and will be getting far more involved in our MySpace site ourselves with exclusive 'making of the album' films and video diaries from the Road [damn you, I hate myspace, you, you...people].

In January we'll be back in USA [got all excited], details to come, but we'll be playing a few small shows, one in LA and one in New York [and probably not in DC, poops] right at the end of the month to unveil the new record. We're also planning to do the same in Japan and Australia before the end of March. Again...watch this space [what space?], details to follow.

Final thing, I expect some of you will have seen Glastonbury: The Film (directed by Julian Temple), we're dead proud that 'Na Na Na Na Naa' from Glastonbury 2005 is on the DVD. The first song from one of our favourite shows ever.

LIVE DATES [I hate you all]:

8th PARIS TRABENDO (plus The Pigeon Detectives)
10th ANTWERP HOF TER LO (plus The Pigeon Detectives)
11th UTRECHT TIVOLI (plus The Pigeon Detectives)
12th AMSTERDAM MELKWEG (plus The Pigeon Detectives)
14th MADRID SALA HEINEKEN (plus The Pigeon Detectives)
16th MILAN MAGAZZINI GENERALE (plus The Piegon Detectives)
19th MUNICH KLEIN ELSER (plus Mumm-Ra)
21st BERLIN KESSELHAUS (plus Mumm-Ra)
23rd COPENHAGEN PUMPEHUSET (plus Figurines)


That's it for now.
We hope to see loads of you at the European shows.
New songs await you [for Europeans/Brits]!
Over and Out
Kaiser Chiefs



Look what the stupid biddy has done now. Stupid Alex. God. Some people just can't let go.
Back to work. Have a nice night.

"And It Looks Like We Might Have Made It...

Yes, it looks like we've made it to the end." So says Blur, and I trust them. But anyway, tomorrow's the last day of the quarter mes copines. Yes I've some how made it through the first quarter of my senior year without dying. Huzzah! Yeah...that's the big news. End of a quarter. :nods: I need to stop paraphrasing Blur song titles. Kind of scary...
Nothing much happening. I should be working on my :curses lots and lots: Interactive notebook. :curses some more: Thank goodness I finished my socio homework during lunch/IB music. Otherwize I would be so SOL. But yeah...:curses:
Speaking of Blur...I find this sad. Can't the rest of the guys just accept that Graham doesn't want to be apart of their party anymore? And on a side note, what about all of Damon's side projects? I wunderbar.
TRACY JACKS!! I wish I could name my son that. :sigh: Yeah...I'm bored. See ya later