
Day Off

I have a tendency to stay away from things that make me angry. I like things that make me happy say, the Swell Season coming back or Law and Order: UK being renewed. It's strange, I know, wanting to be happy instead of angry, but sometimes the anger can't be avoided. Like when the Kaiser Chiefs send out an email announcing they'll be touring in the States (yes, I already knew that, known for many moons) opening for Green Day. Being reminded of something that makes me angry just makes me more angry and then I have to call a memorandum out of anger (that's right, a memorandum.) I know I've done this before (many, many, many, many times before) and I'll probably continue to this (many, many, many more times) but I'm insane and sick, so :raspberry:. Anyway, I had declared my memorandum of anger on the Kaiser Chiefs when my sister insisted on showing me the following video:

[I'm so fancy, embedding a video]
As you may or may not be able to see it's called "Doctor Who Audition Tape." It's Ricky trying out to be the Doctor. I didn't actually watch the entire thing (some of it was only heard because I covered my eyes out of embarrassment on behalf of R) but it's pretty damn funny. And embarrassing. It's hard to stay mad at band who's lead singer uses his day off to make something like this. Damn his adorable eyes.


I'm Not Dead

I just play a corpse on TV.
Anyway, I just want all of you to know that I haven't died and the reason I'm saying this is because on Sunday I was pretty sure I was going to die from agonizing pain. I even got to go to the emergency room! (I hate hospitals by the way because when I was in 7th grade I went in for nose surgery and came out with a cold.) Turns out I probably just have a really nasty intestinal virus that hates me, not gall stones like my mum and the doctor first suspected. I think I spent between three and four and half hours partially zonked out and listening to my classical mix. Not how one I thought I was going to spending my Sunday, but except for this strange twinge in my lower abdomen, I'm feeling much better. Not 100%, but also not dying.
The day before (Saturday) was much more interesting for me in a weird way. I got fitted for a bra for the first time. It was incredibly embarrassing, but definitely worth said embarrassment for reasons I won't be elaborating on here. Just know that getting fitted for a bra is not a stupid as it sounds.
One last observation: Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie is all of Joss Whedon's wittiness without any of the emotional baggage that he usually gives us (the viewer). So basically, not very good.


Random Updates from the Beyond

I realize I've been fairly inconsistent with the whole updating thing, but I'm just going to say this: I didn't mean to not update for 11 days. Quite frankly, it doesn't really feel like 11 days have gone by and not that much has happened. I go to work on Mondays and Wednesdays, I go to yoga and/or kickboxing, I sleep, I watch ridiculous amounts of crap on my computer, and then I sleep some more. My life is, for the most part, exceedingly boring. I've become a crazy work-out person who, when not working out or working, is recuperating from the crazy work-outs I put myself through. Sure I've probably lost some weight and can punch things real good (with either my hands or my elbows) but other than watching Buffy, Eureka, Merlin, and Warehouse 13 I spend a lot of time driving to and from either yoga or kickboxing. I'm even giving up my Saturday mornings now to kickboxing, which makes me exceedingly sad, but makes more sense than doing an hour and half of asana yoga and then doing an hour of kickboxing later the same day. I really don't know if I'm going to be able to keep this up, but I know it's good for me. Like working out my daddy issues is good for me, except with less crying and feeling depressed afterwards. So yeah. I guess you can say "time flies when your kicking your own ass into the ground." Pretty soon I'll be heading back to UMW with my pretty dresses and pretty skirts and my majorly reduced wardrobe and I'll be wishing it was summer. Actually scratch that last part. I won't be wishing it was summer. I'll be wishing it was winter.
In other news I recorded my first of three "over the summer" demos for my Westminster application. I've been thinking of reducing the number of practical modules I'm thinking of taking to just one and taking another theoretical module to make up for the practical module. Granted I do have to keep in mind that I'm only going to be taking four of the eight classes I have picked out, so really I could just put one of the practical modules as a second choice, none of which affects the fact that I have to make these stupid demos anyway. :sigh: Radio shows should be much more spontaneous than these stupid demos are making them. And I should be allowed to curse just a little bit.
That's it for now. I'll update sometime in the future.


I'm Three (A Commute Story)

If someone were to ask me what my least favourite part of DC is, I would say leaving or coming to it by public transport. Commuting into DC is my least favourite part of my Monday/Wednesday schedule and if there was some magical way I could teleport into the office, I would (trust the drive is even worse.) Unfortunately teleporation has not been invented, so I have to commute. But sometimes the commute isn't so bad, like today. Today's commute home has a cute story, which makes the annoyance of having to deal with tourists and sweating too much worthwhile. Story time.
My commute home from work is divided into three "legs." The first leg is taking the green line, the second leg is taking the orange line and the last leg is the bus. Well today whilst on the second leg of my odyssey a family of six boarded my car and I internally groaned. Tourist groups/families are a pain because on a train it's very hard to control hyperactive kids who've couped up in museums all day. So this family of six divide themselves with the girls on one side and the two boys (dad and son) on my side. The son was looking around, and is common with small children, started starring at me for no real reason. I was holding a hankerchief in my hand (sweat's a bitch) and so I did a two finger wave at the little boy. His immediate reaction was to say "I'm 3" while putting up three fingers. Moments like that a) make me wish I could take the cute little ones home with me and b) make the commute slightly less painful.
As I've mentioned before, I've taken up kickboxing to work out my pent up anger and lose weight. Well I've also now taken up yoga. While yoga in general has a rather zen connotation, it turns out the yoga studio I've signed up with practices a form of yoga called Asana and as one nice woman who introduced herself to me before class said, it's like being at the equator and running through a jungle. I sweated more in that hour and a half than I ever have. I spent about 25% to 30% of the class in child's pose. I'm taking my second class tomorrow. I think I've lost my mind.


Late Breaking Ridiculous News

Today I'm toeing the fine line between not doing anything and getting enough done so that it seems like I actually did something today. It's difficult, but I figure if I get three shows archived today, I'll be good. Anyway, that's not the reason I'm updating. No I have a much more interesting reason for updating.
Did you know you could feel the back of your thighs? I didn't, at least not until today. I took my second kick boxing class last night, and while there wasn't any point where I thought I was going to puke, I'm feeling the effects today. It's good though, all this pain and drinking two bottles of water in one sitting. As Allison told me last year, in a emasculating and "god aren't you just the biggest idiot" way, pain is a part of a good work out. Unless it's ballet, but as I told my mum after the first class, there's nothing like ballet (other than ice skating and gymnastics) in the real world. So bring it on, bitch.
Okay, now the real reason I'm updating today. Back in January Lily Allen accidentally sent Ricky Wilson a topless picture of herself. I find this story both highly disturbing and highly amusing at the same time. Highly disturbing because why would you send anyone a topless picture of yourself when you're a celebrity and the person it's being sent to isn't your significant other, but highly amusing because it just is. So that's my celebrity story for the month. The fact that it's about two of my favourite artists, completely coincidental.
Finally here's a quote from a 1985 interview with Mike Watt and D. Boon of the Minutemen. I find it hilarious, but that's because I'm weird.
[The two had been discussing why people had been dying in Central America and Watt had stated that one of the reasons was rascism. Now the quote]
Boon: But they weren't Spanish. The Spanish married all the women and had all the children. The just killed the braves and married the women.
Watt: That's not racism, huh?
Boon: Well, the English did it a lot better. They just murdered everybody in front of them.