
Doctor Who

Gaaaaaaaaaah. The new series of Doctor Who has started and I can't see it. It's killing me on the inside. I need new Doctor, stat! Oh, Jesus I'm sad.
Not much else happening. I got my UMW sweatshirt for Sophs today and it's the exact same one that Alex has, which means we can be twins. Except he's slightly taller, blonde, and...a he. But otherwise we can be twins. But otherwise, not much happening. I think I'm going to watch the really long episode/special/video/thing of Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Have a nice night!


The Many Things That Need to be Said

So I got into UMW, yay!! I was really giddy most of yesterday afternoon because of that, but also because I have the new KC album which, for those cool people who bought the CD/DVD combo, includes an absolutely fantastic short film by a friend of the band's. I'll address that topic a bit later though. Firstly I have some things to get off my chest (or more accurately, out of my unposted articles folder).
Random Ten-Inch interview. Tis very interesting, mainly because it gives all the background info about Ten-Inch that I didn't know before. So yeah, that's all.
Umm, when did Noel Gallagher become nice? Seriously, read the article and you'll be wondering what he's on. I'm so confused...
Twat. I swear, I'm starting to wonder what people want from new music. I'm also starting to question my loyalty to DiS considering how frequently I've been disagreeing with their reviews. I don't need another news site (thank you NME), so the fact that DiS and I seem to have divergent opinions on music makes me wonder what the point of looking at their site is. Which makes me sad because it's a really lovely site and the writing style of the staff is fun. Still, Dom Gourley is a twat of the highest order.
Also, on the topic of music reviews confusing me, what the hell do you people want??? Honestly, am I just blind-sided by obsession with band? I mean, Mums likes the new album, but we practically have the same taste in music. Dad thinks it's good, but he was programing his new BlackBerry last night, so I don't really trust that opinion. I haven't heard from Sophs and I don't know anyone who I can get an honest opinion from. So here I am wondering whether my undying devotion to all things Kaiser Chiefs has completely skewed my ability to accurately tell whether YTAM is actually any good. Which annoys me to no end.
So yeah, that's that. Onto my notes from Tim Blackwell's Film. Tim knows the band through Rick (they met at uni) and has been "filming them [Kaiser Chiefs] ever since their early days." On the DVD that comes with YTAM there's a short film by him that's positively wunderbar and I took notes during my second viewing (it's only 14 minutes, so shut up.) Here they are!
  • R= guuhh [Throughout the whole damn film, he's just wonderful]
  • Mustache [Rick had full out beard which got shaved off to a mustache which you see at the very beginning of the film. Now he's all nice and shorn.]
  • Pancake
  • "Peanut, not Pancake" - Nick [Whitey mistakenly called Peanut Pancake]
  • Gareth Keen/Keane [Who Peanut is more like. I'm not entirely sure who this is referencing.]
  • "I'm confused" - Simon [Same here. Something involving R, Whitey, and a pool table]
  • "I can't play" - Whitey [can't play the piano]
  • P=Spiderman [When asked which super hero is more like, Superman or Spiderman, this was Peanut's answer]
  • Nick recording vocals/rapping [Literally]
  • Slow-mo recording [Scene that shows the band recording, but all slow-mo]
  • 4 screen recording scene [The screen is split into four, with each showing a different part of the recording process. Shot during the recording of "Heat Dies Down"]
    • Photoshoot
    • Slightly out of tune?
    • Arm waving [Rick randomly waving his arm, which reminded me of something you do in chorus when you mess up]
    • Diff between R & N
      • Recording faces (when singing)
      • Also sort of similar [In terms of when they close their eyes, which was at exactly the same time]
    • <> [crescendo, decrescendo and the facial expression difference]/rocking out
    • R looking at camera [Really amusing, because it's so obvious]
    • Beer after recording
    • "Invisible, inaudible" - R [So cute!!!!!!!! In reference to how he couldn't hear Whitey]
  • Zoo
    • Tortoise
    • Giraffes
      • Legs then neck [According to R, giraffes long legs evolved first to get the high leaves, then the neck to drink water.]
  • Antwerp
    • "Hi" - R [He says hi and then the band starts into "The Angry Mob"]
So yeah, those are my notes. I have no idea how to rip the video onto my mp3, otherwise I would probably be watching it all the time. Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually. In fact, I might do that right now.
Until later mes chers


Pay Attention

So nackered...got into UMW...celebrated with ice cream...got YTAM as well...fuckin' nackered to high heaven...have to do English first...I just want to sleep though...stupid grades...still...I got into UMW...nice big envelope with a nice certificate of admission...so tired.......
:goes to do English:


I Hate This Week

I hate this week. I hate it with a passion and it's only Monday. Imagine how I'll feel tomorrow or Wednesday (which I can't even spell correctly most of the time.) I hate this week so much it's not even funny. I really, seriously, want this week to die. I hate this week.
Anyway...here's picture of Ricky looking like a prep school student, which I find highly amusing:

I would love to see the original of this picture. It totally reminds me of a school club photo from like...the '50's or something.
Not much else to report. YouTube provider lizzilupin has uploaded more NMTB, but I'm not in the mood to watch episodes that don't involve Ricky. I'll probably end up saving them up and watching them over spring break (only 4 days away!!) when I'm not writing my MI for IB Music. God I hate this week.


:can't think of a good title:

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I hate Interactive Notebook!!! Stupid emphoris assignments that claw at my soul. :slowly dies to "Lola Stars and Stripes:
In happier news, my bestest YouTube buddy lizzilupin has uploaded more episodes of Never Mind the Buzzcocks so I watched one of them. Truly hilarious. Jonathan Ross is a complete perve who can't pronounce r's (not to be confused with R's), but still has a natty dress style. I also finally understand what the band thing is at the end of the episode R hosted. Most of you wouldn't be interested, so I won't bore you, but (!) if you want to know what it's all about, watch the first like thirty seconds of the Jonathan Ross episode. I'm hoping she'll post the original Amy Winehouse episode (not the one from two seasons ago), so I can see what Amy is like when she's not drunk. Though she may have been drunk all along. I won't know till I see it. So yeah...that's my day. Never Mind the Buzzcocks and hating my history teacher. Fun!


Oh No She Didn't

First off I would like to say that I don't want to live in the US when I have the option to move. The way the government has been acting for the last...oh, six years, I don't want to be here anymore. I've become completely disillusioned with the whole "democracy" thing. Or at least US democracy. Because our politicians suck and anyone with a grain of salt doesn't get elected. So yeah, culture isn't the only reason I want to leave.
On the other hand, much like my school spirit, if you slag off my country, I'll get a little annoyed. Just like right now I'm a little annoyed with a certain Ms. Allen of the UK.
It's all very weird here. They're all backward in Texas but not as much as they are in Arkansas and Wyoming where I'm going soon.

Now the only reason I haven't completely written Ms. Allen off is because 1) I really, really, love her album and 2) This is what she does. She slags off everything in world. But still. I know the south can be a bit "backwards" but you're not from here Lil (yes I do get to call her Lil, just like I get to call Ricky R.) I wouldn't make fun of Yorkshire or Devon or some other county in the UK. It's just common courtesy. You don't slag off my states, I won't slag off your counties. Mmkay?
By the by, here's the link to the original article by DiS. She says more, but it doesn't really make sense to me, so I won't comment on it. But just for everyone's information, if she slags off Virginia or the metro-DC area...I'm going to throw a hissy fit.
In other news, my high school is hosting the East Coast A Capella Summit (oooh) and one of the groups that is performing this weekend is Blue Jupiter. They came last year and performed at the school, but I'm not exactly a huge fan of a capella, so I really wasn't at all excited when I was told that they were coming again this year. The rest of the women in my chorus class were though and begged our chorus teacher to have the guys come to our class. Totally not excited. Really not at all excited. But then they came and one of the members (who's brand new) looks almost exactly like Nick from Kaiser Chiefs (also known as Nick Hodgson). I totally freaked out the minute he came into the room because he was tall and lanky and subconsciously reminded me of Nick. Of course once I got a good look at him I freaked out even more because I realized consciously that he is the spitting image of Nick. He (his name is Mike) is the only reason I'm going to the concert tonight. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone. So yeah, I'm totally sad and pathetic. Huzzah!!
No other news. Have a good weekend.


Aargh with the Frustration

Why can't Blogger be a bit more like LJ? Because then I could reply to comments posted and not feel like a total shit for not replying. At least with LJ I have the option to reply, even if I don't always use it. Stupid Blogger.
In any event, only two weeks and two days until I get spend a lot of time convincing Sophs that we really do want to spend two hours in line so that I can be really close to the stage. :D!!! My Ricky obsession continues full force, despite the stress of this week. Or maybe because of the stress of this week. But yeah, two weeks and two days until Kaiser Chiefs!!!!
I've figured out why Kaiser Chiefs aren't doing (or at least I assume aren't doing) Carling Weekend. The answer has been glaring at me every time I check their site, but didn't hit me until today, because I'm smart. See they're being the Foo Fighter's bitches, though that's not completely fair to them, but it's fun to say. In all honesty I'm really suprised that T on the Fringe and Carling weekend are overlapping, because it puts a lot of bands in a bit of a bind, not to mention the fans. What if I wanted to see Kaiser Chiefs and Maximo Park? It would be kind of hard because Edinburgh isn't exactly spitting distance from Reading or Leeds. Not that Reading or Leeds are that close, but the point is, Edinburgh is as far away from Leeds as Reading is from Leeds and so I would be unable to see Maximo Park and Kaiser Chiefs that weekend if I wanted to. Of course we all know who would win, but not everyone is like that. So yeah. Dunno why these festivals are overlapping. I'm not a huge freak or anything. Nope not at all.
Umm...news links!
Speaking of Carling Weekend, lots of people are now screwed. I feel really horrible for all of those people who thought they were going to this really major festival, who thought they had paid for these really expensive tickets, and are now completely SOL. A small part of me, despite the overwhelming sense of sympathy, is really happy because I wouldn't be able to go anyway. But yeah, poor people who can't go. They won't get to see some fairly okay bands. Oh I could be so mean right now...
Metallica is girl's name! Really, it's official, I read on the NME site. I just find it absolutely histarical that a hard metal band's name is the name of baby girl somewhere in Sweden. I hope for her sake she ends up liking the band because otherwise...it would be like if my parent's had decided to name me...Razorlight or something. Snow Patrol is another example. Or Mika.
Anyway that's it. Go watch some hilarious David Tennant. Be amazed at his sexy Scottish accent. Be wildly impressed with Catherine Tate's ability to use Shakespeare in a comedy sketch and have it make sense within the given context. I'm going to find some Boosh to watch.
Quick Side Note: New Doctor Who starts March 31st, so there might be more posts about that as things get started over in the UK. Unfortunetly I won't be seeing anything until this summer, so yeah. I might also go crazy, ya never know.


Late Breaking News

I just had to post this:
"Yours Truly, Angry Mob" is out in North America next week and to give youy all a chance at a sneak preview, we have put up the whole album for a limited period on our myspace page. Why not add yourself to our friends list while you're there? Enjoy.
Or, you could've gone to NME, a month ago, and have been listening to the album since then. I love you guys, but honestly, you make making fun of you far too easy. Sure the non-hardcore fans will be happy, but for the rest of us, this is just a cruel reminder of the fact that, supposedly, everyone else in the world has already heard YTAM. Thanks a lot guys.

I would just like to point out at this time that I'm not a loon. I'm a crank thank you very much.

I Feel So Appreciated

I've just finished watching Big Fat Quiz Show of the Year 2006, which lasted for-fucking-ever, and have realized why everyone (or so I am led to believe) in the UK loves Russel Brand: He can keep a straight face no matter how absolutely idiotic he sounds. It really is an admirable skill, which unfortunately Noel Fielding is not as good at. I must admit, when they won over David Walliam (yes, Wall-iam) and Rob Brydon, I was really fucking happy. Hurray for the goth corner!!!
In other interesting news, there seems to be another anglophile in the world and they commented on the Blogger edition of this lovely journal. I feel loved. :waves at readers:
So onto the real news:
Kaiser Chiefs aren't playing Carling Weekend. Instead Razorlight is. I'm being completely serious, as of today (20 March 2007) the Kaiser Chiefs were not scheduled to play Carling Weekend. Which is a huge deal because part of the weekend takes place in their home town of Leeds. I'm in shock still and am wondering what it all means. We shall just have to wait and see.
I could see Keane at the 9:30 club on 29 May. I won't though because I will be relaxing and mourning over the fact that I didn't get to see Arctic Monkeys on 16 May. It is rather cool that they're playing there though and I'm sure everyone who does go will have an absolutely fantastic time. I won't though, because I'll still be trying to find a green dress for graduation.
Look it's a Ricky statue!

According to spiffychocolate, this picture was taken near the Torchwood headquarters in Cardiff. This proves that you can be a Torchwood/Doctor Who/Kaiser Chief fangirl all at the same time. Others of us (the Ricky fangirls) can't get over a certain area of his...umm...yeah. Remember David Bowie in Labyrinth? That's what I'm talking about.
And finally, due to a bizarro fire drill today two minutes before the end of first period, Loghman was forced to make eye contact with me. Which means, he had to acknowledge for a split second that I exist. Huzzah! I exist! :shakes head: It's just so sad...


The Great Buzzcocks Spam of 2007

In an effort to absolutely nothing until 9 tonight, here are the links to different Never Mind the Buzzcocks episodes. They come in threes to be prepared.

When Ricky Hosted Never Mind the Buzzcocks:
Pt. 1, Pt.2, Pt. 3

When Noel Fielding and Donny Tourette Blew My Mind (This One's Got 4!):
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4

When Nick Hodgson Was On Never Mind the Buzzcocks:
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3

When Sam Preston of the Ordinary Boys Walked Off Never Mind the Buzzcocks:
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3

When Ricky Was Pished on Never Mind the Buzzcocks:
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3

When John "Captain Jack Harkness" Barrowman Out Gayed Simon Amstell (This One's Got 4 Too!):
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4

I've deemed six to be enough for you lot. Enjoy 3 hours of some of the best comedy known to man.
On a small instructional side note, you don't have to come back here at the end of each part. Just of the first one.


Some Things That Have Made Me Happy Since My Last Post (My God What a Long Title for an Entry)

  • Rewatching the episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks that Rick was on and re-realizing that he was so drunk/high while he was on it
  • Rewatching the episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks that Nick was on and re-realizing that Simon Amstell is my gay lover, not that I'd really forgotten
  • Having some chicken with BBQ sauce and orange juice
  • Watching a couple of episodes of Never Mind the Buzzcocks while Mark Lamarr was still hosting and soaking up his bitter comedy
  • Trying to find episodes of Never Mind the Buzzcocks on YouTube to no avail. Don't ask, but that does in fact make me happy.
  • Reading the comments for this rickydaily post, especially this bit:
    Who's he with btw?
    honeyswallow: Whitey!
    diva_chic_mandy: Ok that's what I thought! But then I was looking & he looks different. HE'S SMILING MAYBE THAT'S IT! lol.
    diva_chic_mandy speaks the truth, except I would recognize Whitey's ugly mug no matter what his actual facial expression was (please don't kill me Whitey, you're an absolutely fantastic guitar player)
  • Did I mention the chicken with BBQ sauce? Very happy making.
  • Having bits and piece of my internal monologue be in a British accent from varying regions of said country (dear God I am an anglophile)
  • Really, chicken is a cure all for everything, along with Never Mind the Buzzcocks
With much thanks to YouTube, the Beeb, Mark Lamarr, Bill Bailey, Phil Jupitus, LiveJournal, and chickens.

My Biggest Fear (An Open Letter)

Dear [fill in appropriate name],
Today I finally went to choir rehearsal for the first time in a couple of weeks. As usually we, the members of choir, waited outside of our director's office chit-chatting about nothing. I'm not the most social person, a bit too shy for my own good, and so I was just listening to snippets of the different conversations that were going on around me. Two girls next to me were talking when one of them, I think she's a sophomore, asked the other girl, also a sophomore, whether she liked the Arctic Monkeys. I immediately perked up, waiting for the second's girls answer. The second girl wasn't entirely sure whether she liked them, seeing as she only knew one song by them, something about when the lights go down. In my head I was trying to pair what this second girl was mentioning to the singles the Arctic Monkeys released last year and came up with "When the Sun Goes Down," and mentally corrected what she was saying from "lights" to "sun."
Rehearsal started and I got lost in the music we were rehearsing, a motet by Palestrina, which we may or may not be performing next week. During rehearsal someone's mobile started ringing. The tune sounded familiar but it wasn't until everyone had stopped talking and was staring at the person whose phone it was (the person who had asked about the Arctic Monkeys) that I realized that it was the Fratellis. I said to no one in particular that I liked the person's ringtone, though I doubt she noticed. Rehearsal continued and I got wrapped up in the motet again, sight reading the part while being the only person in my section.
Towards the end of rehearsal we started talking about scheduling. Our director asked who wasn't going to be available for the Good Friday service and some people raised their hands. He then asked who would be there for the Easter service and almost everyone raised their hand. I felt that now would be a good time to mention to John (the director) that although I would be at the service, I would be practically dead because of the rock concert I was going to the night before. He asked who I was going to be seeing and I said Kaiser Chiefs. The same girl who had the Fratellis ringtone and who seemed to have some sort of interest in the Arctic Monkeys sang-spoke the beginning part of the "Ruby" refrain (Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby) and I said "yeah those guys."
A part of me worried, at that point, that Kaiser Chiefs would only be known for "Ruby" and that by releasing that song they had doomed themselves to being considered a novelty group here in the States. Another part of me was excited to know that seemingly normal people know some of the same bands that I know, which means that they are becoming more popular here which makes me happy. The part of me that was worried is now more worried about something else: The bands that I adore and admire may never know how much I truly appreciate them.
There are so many pushy fans in the world and because of my natural shyness I will never be one of those fans. I will be the fan that waits in line for hours before a show, who will tell all of her friends about band X and that they should by album Y. I will be the fan who knows all the lyrics to all the songs and buys merchandise at every concert she goes to, which is every concert she can get to. I will be the fan who does everything she possibly can to promote band X and still stay within her shell. I will never be the fan who tries to get backstage to meet band X nor will I be the fan who sends letters or emails to band X telling them how much she adores and loves them, how wonderful they are, on and on. No amount of prodding or pushing will ever get me to be one of the pushy, in your face fans. But there are so many of them and only one me.
I want my favourite bands to know that I appreciate them more than words can say and that my admiration isn't fake or based entirely on looks. These bands, who I listen to day in, day out, may never know how much they mean to me, or if by some miracle they eventually know, I worry that they may not take it seriously.
This is my biggest fear: That the people who have helped me to realize what I want to do with my life will never know and until I realize my dream there is nothing I can do to change that.
Very Sincerely,

Dear god, did any of that make sense? I'm completely out of it right now. Half of my brain was trying to concentrate on writing this while the other half was split between playing Clicken Gold/solitaire and listening/singing along to YTAM. Sorry if this is just a bunch of nonsense I really have no idea where my head is at right now. Hopefully things will start making sense by tomorrow. Hopefully.


Slowly Collapsing

So District Festival (chorus) went well even though we (as a whole group) completely fucked up for a few measures. I wasn't allowed to bring my purse which meant I couldn't have my mp3 player which sucked major balls. I'm now exhausted and don't have anything else to say. I did get to listen to most of YTAM during IB music which is tres, tres wunderbar (go mixing two languages!). Anyhoo onto the freaky ass picture that_heather posted in her valiant effort to make what is suppose to be a daily community actually daily instead of sporadic. So yeah, one freaky picture coming up.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Posting For the Sake of Posting

Umm...I've got nothing. Really, absolutely nothing. No pictures, no news, no stories, just a whole lot of nothing. :cocks head to the left: Well I am going to be applying for a job as an usher at Wolf Trap, but that's not that interesting. So yeah, whole lot of nothing. So go watch the Mighty Boosh! On YouTube! Watch the "Soup Song" in amazement and awe, because it is so awesome. I'll go practice.


More Pictures and Other News

Right, I have more pictures of R, this time from when Kaiser Chiefs were Parva. I do <3 grunge R. Especially when he wears a bowler hat. :D So silly. Anyhoo, here are the pics.

Avec un chapeau melon

Logo Time

[Fill With Cliche Fangirl Thought]

Onto the news! Huzzah!
I'm so glad I don't live in the UK. Betcha never thought I would say that, huh? But seriously, the method of getting tickets for the Arctic Monkey April tour sounds so incredibly fucked up. I understand the reasoning behind it (touts are those twats that sell tickets outside of shows the night/day of), but still. I mean a fucking raffle for the tickets?? That's so crazy, I can't even begin to understand how many people will be screwed. So yeah, I may not be able to go, but at least I don't live in the UK.
Such filthy horrible lies. Taunting us Americans with their lies of YTAM coming out today. Some poor plonker probably believes that shite and is going to try and by the damn album today. Two weeks Mr./Ms. US Correspondent, two more more weeks of listening to the stream.
So yeah, Amy Winehouse may be booze hound, but damn she can sing. "Me and Mr. Jones" is an absolutely fabulous song, as is "Tears Dry on Their Own." I would defininetly recommend Back to Black.


Music News 101

Just a quickie (about to have dinner). So here it is!
14 Covers That Are Better Than the Original. I don't agree with all of them (Elvis Presely covered "Hey Jude"??), but still an interesting list.
Arctic Monkey's North American Tour. More proof that the music industry gods hate me. Why does it have to be the night before my IB Music test? Why???????
That is all.


I Love Spring Break

For complete reading pleasure, pretend Simon Amstell is reading the entry. Really, go ahead, it's fun.

Not that I'm on Spring Break (Apr.1-7), but most colleges are which means college students get to do things don't normally get to do because they have so much damn time on their hands. I believe this is why there have been a slew of pictures in the rickdaily community on LJ. You see the moderator (the ever present that_heather) has been posting lots of wonderful pictures that constantly remind me of my goal in life: Meet Ricky Wilson in person. And now, for your viewing pleasure, the small and freakishly huge version of the same picture! Have I mentioned recently how very desperately I need boyfriend? Well I do...

Regular sized:

Super sized:

If you look closely at the freakishly huge version, you might wonder "What colour are R's eyes?" I think they're like Alex's and change colour magically. I could go on, but I won't. Anyhoo, I've got to get to work on this damn moth lab. Thank god this is the last IB lab for the year. I really do hate introductions.


The Return of the Friday Five

Dear God it's back!! Run away, run away!

1. If you could retroactively erase one TV show from the history of entertainment, which one would you choose?
None, they're all important. 0_0 DON'T ERASE DOCTOR WHO!!!!

2. Are you more like your mother or your father?
Depends on the situation, but overall I'm more like mums

3. If you could take a year-long vacation, what would you do?
I would become a groupie. I won't say for which band/artist though, I'll make you guess.

4. Can you think of a reason not to answer this question?

5. What's the nicest thing you've ever done for someone?
Not make them listen to my musical compositions. I don't know really.

Maximo Park hates me. Or the DC area, I can't decide. I mean, technically I could go to Boston or DC but oh wait...both weekday dates. So, no I can't go. Grrr...
Nothing else to report. Have a good weekend.


Because Heather Told Me To

So, either that_heather is trying to kill me or R somehow knows who I am and is trying to kill me. Actually neither of them know who I am, so maybe I'm just freakishly paranoid.

Not much else to report. Mystery Jets are releasing an album here May 8th and only four of the songs will be new to me. YouTube user extraordinaire lizzilupin uploaded the last episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks for this season (or series if you're a freakish Brit) and I watched it. Not as funny as last week's, but still fairly funny. Also, the young singing children need to sing out. Especially those young ones that sing the second part. Harmony forever bitches!!
Right, off to play solitaire...


I've Got a British Slang Dictionary (Thanks BBC America!)

After watching what now adds up to three and bit hours of Never Mind the Buzzcocks, taking the piss out of one's favourite band seems like quite a lot of fun, which was the case when I looked through Peter Hill's photo's from KC's London show this past weekend. But before we get to that wonderful experience I would like to thank lizzilupin of YouTube for posting all of those wonderful episodes of NTB that I would otherwise be unable to view. Muchos gracias my unknown benefactor, muchos gracias. One last note: I love Simon Amstell and want to be his bestest friend, because I can't date him. He's so cute!! Now onto taking the mickey out of KC.

First off we have my opinion of Whitey's new hairstyle.

I don't know what he's thinking honestly. I mean, would you have a look at that. Horrible, just horrible. He wasn't good looking to begin with, but now. Dear God man, get a haircut for fuck's sake.

Ricky screaming.

Yeah, that's Ricky screaming. I believe he's a very angry man, very angry indeed. Oh wait...there's a song on YTAM called "The Angry Mob." He's obviously auditioning for a part in the mob.

Ricky jumping.

I worry for his neck when I see a picture like that. I also worry about Peter Hill for taking such a god awful picture of Ricky. Something like that just can't be good for one's reputation.

Simon, showing Ricky how one should jump.

Now see this is how one should jump. You've got the closed eyes and scowly face, but it seems that it would be impossible to break one's neck if one were to jump like this. Take note Ricky, Simon is beating you at your signature move.

Simon wins again.

I saved this picture as "tryingtobeelvis" which translates to "trying to be elvis" because of the stance Mr. Wilson is in. Mainly I saved this picture because it nicely points out how all the fat R has gained since 2005 has gravitated towards his torso. I don't really have room to talk, but at least my fat is evenly spread throughout my body. Now the reason Simon wins again (along with Nick and Peanut) is because he has somehow managed not to gain at least 10lbs. I love you Rick, just remember that.

Oooh lookie up there.

What is he looking at? I guess there was a balcony :tries to find out, to no avail: but otherwise he's just blinding himself. He was probably already blind because stage lights hate you and want your eyes to burn, so maybe he just didn't know what he was looking at. In any event, his hair is also bothering me, but nothing I can do about that.

Yes, yes, yes.

Do you remember those Herbal Essences shampoo commercials were the woman model would go "yes, yes, yes" whilst flipping her hair around? I saw this picture and instantly thought "Shampoo commercial." And really that's all I have to say.

Also, I really do have a British slang dictionary. I've had quite a lot of fun looking up random definitions and phrases from different regions of the British Isles and really the only thing I've learned is that the Welsh don't have a damn thing. Except pong (to smell bad), Welsh rarebit (a piece of toast served with a cheddar cheese sauce made with beer), and lechyd da (a popular toast meaning Good Health.) The last one is pronounced yacky dah. So, no money, no sex, and no clothing. Hurrah for the Welsh!!
Off to do work hopefully. I would like to get something done tonight other than watching another episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks with the wonderful and adorkable Simon Amstell. Aaah disco.


Vignette Completed

Here's my vignette. Fairly self explanatory, so enjoy.

Hurrah for “Time Honoured Tradition”

March 19, 2005
Walking long distances in clogs is not a smart idea. Perhaps not as dumb as walking for a long time in high heels, but nonetheless, still not the brightest idea. The feet, in an effort to keep the damn shoes on, will rub, making blisters in all the wrong places. Entering into this little store, away from the “hustle” and “bustle” of Williamsburg, my feet had started to ache. Despite the blisters my Birkenstocks were giving me, I was on a mission. I had discovered a few weeks before “popular music” and wished to acquire some of this at the record store my sister had been raving about. The store, with its ever elusive name, was set up in such a way that everything to the right when entering through the glass front doors was interesting and held untold treasures (CDs) from equally interesting lands (bands). The left side of the store may as well not have existed.
Feet aching, feeling slightly jittery, I headed towards the “I” section of the CDs. Interpol, Interpol, Interpol. Ah, Interpol. Now…Antics. No, not that one, Antics. Here we are, Antics. Okay, now I’m looking for Zutons, Z. Who killed…the Zutons. Here it is. Lets see, I have this much money…okay, cool.
I wandered around Planet 9 (or is it Plan 9?), brushing through the other CDs and DVDs, suddenly bored and feeling the effects of poor shoe selection more than ever. The lack of meds made my attention span even shorter than normal. I flipped through posters, staring quickly at each known and unknown band name, intrigued and uncaring. My ears, having previously been filtering out the PA system, suddenly caught on to something very peculiar. A “whoa” or “la” bounced out of the speakers, diverting my attention and slowing my blistered feet. This, unknown and jaggedly brilliant, was something I wanted to know about. It’s popular, right? Definitely isn’t the Beatles or anything I know. So, find out who. I asked my sister Sophie if she knew who this was, but she just shrugged.
Oh god. I don’t want to ask the sales clerk. Don’t make me ask the sales clerk. Oh, but that was interesting, that was new. I want to hear that again. Fine, I’ll ask the sales clerk…
“Um, excuse me, who is this…” I’m nervous, timidly pointing above my head, not entirely sure I’m allowed to ask.
“Kaiser Chiefs. I think it was released last week.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Kaiser Chiefs, Kaiser Chiefs, Kaiser Chiefs. K, where’s K? Ah, K. Kaiser…Chiefs. Here! Kaiser Chiefs, Employment. Oh shit…not enough money. Damnit. Well, I’ll put the Zutons back, I can get that later.

January 10, 2006 (about a year later)
I’ve jumped and screamed through two Kaiser Chiefs concerts, euphoria blurring the memories of each experience. July 22nd and October 3rd, each with their own set lists and flitting memories of a smile, a hat, proximity to the stage and an odd feeling of connectedness. I have a small collection of photos of the band and its lead singer Ricky Wilson. It will grow considerably over the next year and a half and the amount of giggling and flushed cheeks with each right click save will increase as well. I’ve joined online communities, read hundreds of articles, bought an import magazine (NME Yearbook, where more giggling and blushing occurred along with confessions of sanity which weren’t true), downloaded B-sides and demos (both legal and illegal, excuses made for the illegal ones that will fuel debates of conscious and the spending of more money on thing but well loved tee-shirts), and discovered that popular music isn’t just what’s MTV and VH1. Now, a year and a million listens later, I’m being vindicated. Kaiser Chiefs have been nominated for five Brit Awards, which is the equivalent of being nominated for five Grammy’s. (They will win three; Best British Group, Best Rock Act, and Best Live Show.) I feel elated, a selfish pride for a group of men I’ve never met. I think of their nominations as my nominations, proof that all my yelling, screaming, laughing, and boasting gave them these nominations. A month later, when they win, I will feel the same rush of emotion, not because I did anything, but simply because it happened. My strange and serendipitous discovery, now an obsession of sorts, has been vindicated, so in turn I have been vindicated. Hurrah for “Time Honoured Tradition.”


The Curse of Expectations

Quick, I have to get these articles out of my "Unposted" folder! They're turning moldy...
Kaiser Chiefs doing Glastonbury: Nore cries just a little more. Something involving KT Tunstall and the environment. I might finally get to own a whole Pipettes album.
Huh, done. No more really old articles! Now onwards and upwards...
Second albums, in my opinion, are a bitch and half and rarely meet up to the expectations we (fans, media, nit-picking sons of bitches) place upon them. Few, if any, bands reach the goal given to them by the press. Second albums are also particularly hard if your band is incredibly famous and has been placed on a pedestal. I predict that Arctic Monkeys will have this problem when they release their sophomore album later this spring. But the topic of our discussion is not Arctic Monkeys but their theoretical forefathers, the Kaiser Chiefs.
According to Drowned in Sound, Yours Truly, Angry Mob is bland. At the end of the review, Dom Gourlay the reviewer states, "The sad thing is that while nobody expects Kaiser Chiefs to be re-inventing the wheel, we do expect a pretty rock-solid, perfect pop record. Yours Truly, Angry Mob most definitely isn't rock solid or perfect in any sense." This statement, in my opinion, is exactly why any band will fail on their second album. You can't expect perfection, from anyone, and then also expect them to out perform themselves next time. As a listener, you will be consistently disappointed if that is what you expect. A band can only reinvent themselves so many times before it completely loses its sense of self.
The same complaint made by Drowned in Sound is brought up by Pitchfork, but at least Eric Harvey gave the band the courtesy of giving the the album a 5. My question is, what exactly were these reviewers expecting? I was expecting something better than Employment but not so drastically different from that first album that the band is unrecognizable (a la The Killers and Sam's Town). Incremental improvement, not huge leaps and bounds, is the most important thing to me, but I must be in the minority. An interesting point, though, was made by This is Fake DIY in their review of Yours Truly, Angry Mob: Some music has to be lived in. Repeatedly listening to an album and letting it stew might seem antithetical to doing a proper review, but sometimes that's what is needed. Or, as James McCrimmon put it in his review: "By no means all things to all men, Kaiser Chiefs do what they do better than anyone else. Give this a chance to get into your head, and you'll have your proof."
As stated at the beginning, second albums are a bitch and half. The media and press just make it 10 times harder. So why not just enjoy the damn album on face value? Some goals cannot be achieved and "rock solid or perfect" shouldn't be achieved the second time around, because were do you go from there?
Disclaimer: I do realize how horribly biased I am on the topic of Kaiser Chiefs, but the views stated in the above can apply to almost any band or album out there. It just happens that I disagree with a lot of the reviews (at least a lot of the reviews that I pay attention to) for YTAM.
And now on a light note from jeffs_odyssey "Ricky after he fell into us and nearly had his shirt torn off." If look closely you can even see the scratches on his left arm. Not that I'm looking because his manly chest hair is distracting me. 0_0

He's so cute, he even has his eyes closed!! :group "aww":
Have a good night.


We Are Asses

The only good thing about nothing updating on the weekends is that I don't have to worry about the fact that I'm not here to check that nothing is updating. So huzzah for lazy ass people who don't update on the weekends!
So this weekend is going pretty well. I spent my afternoon/evening, yesterday, and all of today at GMU for a MUN conference. I'm on the US National Security Counsel and I am the Secretary of Defense. I was totally frazzled yesterday and today I was basically like "yeah whatever" except when we decided to essentially veto sending a UN peace keeping group to South Asia which pissed me off. I spent most of the day trying not to fall asleep and finally got my second wind just as we were adjourning. I also totally told off the counsel for telling our UN ambassador to veto the peace keeping mission resolution because our reasons are for shit and would make us look extraordinarily petty. The chair for our committee said I made a good point and that people really needed to think about the situation. Hahahaha I rock! But yeah...I'm exhausted. So I'm going to bed.
I might give a full report on the MUN conference, but don't count on it. I will be far too busy and tired tomorrow. So yeah, goodnight.



These are just some photos I found today. The first two are the same (you're not losing your mind) but the second one is an edited version of the first one. I just feel like posting both though. They are mostly of Rick from their most recent tour of the UK. There is also an icon that is amusing and a picture of Simon (I'll explain that one when we get to it.) Enjoy, as always.

With football
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Without football
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When I saved this one from the site the file name was bowiericky. I'm not sure why it's called that, but I like the name nonetheless
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Everything You Need to Know about Kaiser Chiefs (fucking hilarious and sadly true)
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All I have to say is, when I was saving this picture the file name was simonlovesit. Really, I don't want to comment beyond that.
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