I don't actually take notes during physics for the most part. The same goes for english. Sometimes with math. When I'm not taking notes I write fairly random things. Today I had fun with glue, a popsicle stick, and sheer boredom during physics. Sometimes though I write pretty poetry. Like the depressing poem I posted a little while back. Problem is, when you have 3 notebooks and no clue where to find the pretty poem, one could get a bit frustrated. So I'm going to find this pretty poem and post it. I'll be back in a few minutes to do that.
:a bit later: Damn, damn, damn. I threw it away. Damn. Damn. Damn.
Would you consider Employment a particularly happy LP? I'll admit the tunes can be cheery sounding, but does that a "happy" album make? I think not. The lyrics for every song save Saturday Night is depressing to one extent or another. I could say Saturday Night is slightly depressing, but I don't want to. I'm already catagorizing two of my favorite songs on the LP depressing already, no need to have it be three. I suppose people just don't listen to the lyrics. I believe one should do that, otherwize you loose half the picture. Hmmm.
I don't want to finish my homework. I know I need to, but I don't want to. I hate conclusions and I hate what we're doing in english. I guess I'll just have to finish it later. Stay up late. Oh well.
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