
My Sermon

I have no physical disabilities, but I've been through some pretty rough patches in my life. When I was younger I found it hard to believe in a God that would allow slavery and war. Today I find it hard for people with physical disabilities to believe in a God that would allow that to happen. I have mixed beliefs when it comes to God and a lot of what Christianity teaches. Today's reading was from Isaiah. It stated that we are God's clay and that he is the potter. In the Messiah the choir sings "and we, like sheep." I can't believe in that. I can't follow like a sheep. I won't give into a doctrine just because a disciple from some century long ago says to. I'm never going to heaven so I'm not going to try and be someone I'm not. Religion. By trying to fit people into one belief, something that is meant to bring peace to people's lives is probably one of the most controversial subjects in the human lexicon. Just a thought.

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