

Elanorrose asked:
Will you come to my school? My German lessons aren't as super-fantastisch as they should be!

ja klar kein problem
nur wo ist deine verdammte Schule. Egal wir gehen fuer dich bis ans ende dieser Welt.
bis dann

From the online "chat" Franz Ferdinand had. According to reports the server crashed and according to Alex computers were melting. Anyhoo, I just kinda wish I knew what Nick said. I'm sure something horribly witty/snarky because that was the tone of the whole thing, but still. I wish I spoke German. Well proper German. And could read it. :rolls eyes: Ja.

I sort of feel like a hermit these days. I barely spend anytime with my family. Kind of my nature but it seems sort of strange. Oh I don't really know though. I feel so drifty these days. Like a balloon. Floating through the clouds unaware that a plane or buzzard is coming at me. With a pin to pop me. Yup that's exactly how I feel. Like a balloon.

I'm off to read Soundbites. Which, for those who don't know, is a column Alex writes for the Guardian food section. Basically, I get to read Alex be incredibly articulate and witty. Much fun.

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