I need to start practicing soon. I don't really want to practice that much, so I'm holding off as much as possible. Mind you I have to practice for an hour, so the longer I put this off the closer I am to practicing right into dinner. In any event, I only have a few minutes before I need to get my ass down stairs, so this will be fairly quick.
Yesterday was District Auditions. In general I hate auditions for anything. If I have to do an interview for college I'll probably freak out and mess up. I just don't do very well under high stress conditions. Yesterday though went very well for me. I only messed up on one scale, did pretty alright on my chromatic (which you have to play super fast, every note on the instrument up to a really high evil note and tongue down, which is mean at a fast tempo) the prepared piece went mostly as expected and the sight reading was crappy but somewhere in tempo and mostly in rythem. I was actually really pleased with how I did. I think yesterday's audition was the best audition I've done. :claps for herself: Now I just have to wait and see.
I've finally finished my math investigation. The intro and conclusion are complete crap and I think the part in the conclusion where I talk about what I learned is so smart alecky, I'm almost embarrased to turn it in. But this whole thing has been a complete waste of time for me and I'm genuinly pissed off at Mr. Sharp for picking this particular one. But then again I only have 2 and bit quarters left of this class. Hopefully we won't have to do another one. If we do, I will kick and scream profusly (in my room mind you. Not in class.)
So, that's it. I'll see you tomorrow or Tuesday. We shall see.
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