1) Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?
Due to the fact that my heritage is a little fuzzy, I'll go with the one that my family isn't even entirely sure about. That would be French. Really though I don't feel very connected to any of the cultures I'm connected to. Except maybe German. Obstinancy runs in the family.
2) Is there a culture you cannot claim heritage from but which you feel quite close to?
BRITISH. But you already knew that.
3) What's one language you wish you knew fluently?
I wish I could speak French. I also wish that I could just know it, not have to work at being fluent in French. I just want to know French.
4) If you could move anywhere in the world and be guaranteed a job, etc., where would you go?
UNITED KINGDOM. Absolutly anywhere in the UK. ^_^ But you already knew that.
5) If you had a time machine, and could witness any one event without altering or disturbing it, what would you want to see?
The first production of The Tempest. I would seriously love to watch the original cast of that play. Positively my favorite. Besides, it's the perfect spectator sport.
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