

I'm currently in Arizona, but at the moment I would like to do a little gushing:
WE ARE SCIENTISTS, ARCTIC MONKEYS, SONAR, ME!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah I got tickets to the best frickin' show ever. It's like an American version of the NME tour except without that other band. I'm so frickin' excited. OMG!!!!!!!!! 10x better than just seeing Arctics by themselves. So much better. Ugh. I'm so excited. June 12 bitches, June 12!!!!!!!!! Anyhooo....
I got sunburned on the back of my legs yesterday when we went hiking. So I'm a little bitter about that. And Franzie poo, but today's news is totally making up for that loss. Like times a billion. OMG. Can't get over it. Just can't. :sigh: I must move on. See y'all when I get back.

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