
Odd Five (A quick update)

1) How do you feel about people who commit suicide? Such as, do you feel that they are too lazy to deal with life, have depression, do you feel sorry for them, etc.?
0_0 I've never thought about it too hard. It's one of those things I just accept in a very vague way. I don't know anyone who has committed suicide. I don't know really.

2) What do you think people say about you behind your back?
Another thing I haven't thought about too hard. I don't think anyone could really say anything nasty about me though. A) I'm too nice to the general public and b) I'm a wallflower. So I don't really worry about. Hopefully they just don't say anything.

3) If you could own and operate any major business, what would it be?
Record store. Like the one High Fidelity.

4) Are you/would you be embarrassed to talk to your friends or family about sex?
Only because my dad will make fun of it somehow. My friends and I joke about it. :twitches: Except Loghman. We don't touch that subject. Ever. But sex is cool and what not.

5) In some cultures, young women are married and begin families as soon as they start a menstrual cycle. Do you believe this is right or wrong? Why?
I'm not one to judge. I wouldn't want to be in that situation but it ain't my culture so I can't judge.

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