So fucking perfect. Jeeze, it's like they can read my mind. So early...
1.) What fandom do you center on most?
Kaiser Chiefs, specifically Rickers (my own invention merci beaucoup)
2.) Do you contribute to it much (write fanfiction, draw fanart, participate in online communities and discussions)?
I write about R constantly, I listen to KC constantly (kind of), and I'm a member of mulitple communities. As for the examples listed, no not so much.
3.) Do you think that such things are good or harmful to the fandom and why?
Sure. I never read the fanfics because they're either slash or full of mary jane's but if it keeps the interest up, why not? The boards, I think, are especially important. Not that I'd do any of that stuff. I'm chicken.
4.) Do you think its good or harmful for the original creator?
Well given the fandom I'm apart of, no, not harmful. And just in general (like with TV shows and Harry Potter) no, not harmful.
5.) Why do you like this fandom in particular?
Ricky. The music. The bouncing. The craziness of Nick and R. Ricky.
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