
Linky Time!

I'm really hyper right now. And most of it has to do with the Killers. Bless their little souls and stupid haircuts! Anyhoo I've got links to explain my current insanity. Heehee...

What has Brandon done to his hair??? Right...look at the picture on the right hand of the page. The caption should say "The Killers Brandon Flowers." Now my question is: What has Brandon done to his hair??? Why did he have this need to fuck it all up? And the mustache? Dear God!! Only Michael and Chris (WAS) can get away with mustaches. And George Harrison. Brandon Flowers does not look good with a mustache. Aaaarrrggghhh.

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Why did Sam Jackson allow those idiots to do the soundtrack for his idiotic film? :thinks: Oh never mind. I mean it's called "Snakes on a Plane." Fall Out Boy deserves to do the soundtrack for this film. :cringes: Another movie I won't be able to watch.

That's cool. Tim Burton rocks. The Killers and Tim Burton would be like...Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Except with music. Which is neato. Yay Fake DIY!!

Someone finally updated!! Not that I have any idea what they're talking about but oh well. It's an update and that makes me happy.

So umm...I've found out who my favorite ice skater is. Evan Lysacek. He's wonderful and makes me smile. Mucho thanks to Hannah. Mwhahahahahahahahaha.

I must come to Hollins. I'm love this place so amazingly lots. Teehee.

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