
I'm a MUNer

So tomorrow will be my first Model UN confernce. Oddly enough (except not really) it's called "My First Model UN" or "My First MUN" for short. I told Farber about this and in his opinion this would be a great oppurtunity for me to work of my flirting skills. Or as he put I should "hit on guys tomorrow." Admitedly I see where he's coming from, but why on God's green earth does he even imagine that I would do that? My crazy therapist. Anyhoo, I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow. We have to be there at 8am and the conference doesn't end until 3pm. I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into. Thankfully I'm representing Canada so my job won't be too hard. I might even get to relax a little. Enjoy myself. Flirt with guys (hahaha).
So my friendship with Loghman is starting to peeter out. I'm rather depressed about this, especially considering how annoying he's being. I can understand if he doesn't want to be "friends" like we use to be. I totally get that. I just wish he would give some sort of explanation for why he's been acting to cold towards me. I always assumed things would end when we got to college, but now seems so soon. I don't. I'm mostly just frustrated with his behaviour. I guess I'll just have to get use to it. :sigh:
Hmm...Schools going well. That's it really. I have MUN tomorrow and Loghman's turned into an iceberg. I still like my teachers. Yup...life isn't so bad really. Until later mes copines.

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