So I've been obsessively reading "Dr. Who" recaps for the past week or so. I actually watched an episode yesterday which was quite exciting. Not enough David Tennant, but I'll live. I think this will become a regular thing, watching "Dr. Who." Hopefully it will make a tad more sense once I get through the recaps of season one. I've gotten through season two recaps, but there's a lot from season one that I need to know to have everything gel, so I gotta read those. But just proves that me and the British get along very well when it comes to scifi and fantasy. Too bad "Dr. Who" isn't a book with a definitive author because then I could add that person to my list of favourite authors. Oh well. It's a brilliant show nonetheless. :happy face:
In any event not a lot happening here. I've got three tests to study for, all on Tuesday, which I haven't actually been studying for. I'm suspecting that the essay I have due for history on Tuesday will help with the test that day so I'm not too, too worried about that one. I'm worried about the bio term quiz and my evil procrastinating ways. I am glad though that I got some clarinet practice in since I have my lesson tomorrow. But yeah, I'm thinking I'm just going to have to seal myself off from my computer to avoid reading recaps, because knowing me I will do anything to avoid that paper and my bio homework. We shall though, we shall see.
By the by, can you believe it's almost two weeks until Christmas? I can't even believe it's December let alone almost Christmas. Man this year has gone by quickly.
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