
Friday Five and then an Announcement and then Some Links

1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
Fun job that pays me enough to by CDs and food. And pay the rent and such things. So I think my actual answer is the boring job that pays well.

2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Possibly, though it would really depend on the costume.

4. What is your fantasy job?
Music critic for DIY. Or techie for KC. :drool:

5. Would you like fries with that?
No, thank you.

So, now an announcement. A rather medium sized one too. I got into CNU, my last choice, last ditch choice. I was more surprised that I found out so soon. I was expecting it later, like mid to late February. But no, I found out today, rather obviously. It was written (quite literally) all over the envelope. So that's rather exciting. I've now got two choices come May 1st. And I got UNO's out of the whole thing. So yay for me!

Now links. First some bad news. Certain uber-special people in NYC got to hear the KC album over two months early. The bastards. Also happening in NYC, tonight, the band is DJ'ing for the Filter Magazine club night. Continuing on this theme, should I or shouldn't I? That very last bit (If you're interested in working in the music industry some day, this is an excellent way to get started!) kind of makes wonder if I should. But then again, I want to be a music critic, so does that count as the music industry? I'll be at the show. I can be creative. Oh, I don't know! Damn you Kaiser Chiefs!!
This makes me both cry and laugh. But really, all I could think was "God, Pete Wentz is a twat." But then I read this and thought, "Yay for people who aren't Pete Wentz!" Yeah, I loathe that man.
This just in. Just read the article, thingy. And that picture just makes me sick. Or extraordinaryly jealous. You pick. Now I have to go read the Filter article on it. There looked like there was a picture of Rick. Oh god I'm obsessed.

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