
A Prayer

Before I go collapse, here's something I found while I was being a slacker. I think it's only truly funny if you're really into the 10th Doctor, but it's sacrilegious, so that makes it funny too.

The Time Lord's Prayer

Our Time Lord
Who art from Gallifrey
Ten-Inch be thy name

Thy TARDIS come
Time is undone
On Earth & across the Universe

Give us this day our pre-danger/mid danger/post-danger hugging
And indulge us our 'bigger on the inside' squeeing
As we indulge those who *thud* amongst us

For thine is the specs appeal
The trouser and the oral (fixation)

Never say 'never ever'
The awesome of Rasillon

:giggle: I can't get over ten-inch. I'm such a child! Uhh...now to collapsing.
P.S. thanks to nightbeast who posted this in the tennant_love community.

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