
DeviantArt Diving

Lookie what I found!! Twiggy would die if she saw this!! Yay for the Doctor!!

This first part by dracothan. Here's some background information: Ten-Inch (as I believe I've pointed out) is Scottish, so some of what he says in this comic is Scottish slang. The artist is also Scottish, so it's authentic. Teehee...Scottish slang is cool.

As for the characters, the Doctor is the Doctor, John is Joseph Merrick, Billie Piper is Billie Piper/Rose, and Amy is the artist.

This next one (and the last unfortch) is by JesIdres whose done other Doctor fanart, as well as Discworld fanart. She's neato.

The characters are (from left to right) Casanova, the Doctor, and Carlisle (from Blackpool)

So that's it for today mateys. I've got some work to do, which I probably won't do. But yeah, have fun with the Doctor!

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