
Just Writing for the Sake of Writing

We started writing vignettes in creative writing. Ms. B-A told us to write about a moment we could write about in detail. We were told to make a list of 10 events, then pick two and write ten things about each. I picked having Mr. Sharp kick me in the bum in math last year and discovering KC. I decided over my mini-break to write about KC because I love them ever so much. So today I wrote the vignette and realized something: Kaiser Chiefs, in their own small way, significantly changed my life. I also remembered that I'm mad about the boys and that I really need a life. Looking over my journal entries I've written 88 entries, not including this one. KC seems to pop up in the oddest places and there is a trend toward obsessive. I'd say starting around the time they won those 3 Brit Awards, though my crush on R started earlier. It's all so odd and wonderful. And the thing is, they are my favorite band, they did change my life, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm a fangirl. I'm not better than other fangirls, I'm not a worse person because I'm a fangirl, and I'm certainly not a worse person for loving a band. :sigh: Now why won't they release YTAM sooner in the States???

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