
My Three Hour Romance

At 11am this morning Loghman told me he likes me. About 20 minutes ago, Loghman told me it wouldn't work, family approval etc. In between I read, finished getting dressed, had lunch, looked at a dress, and played a few hands of solitaire. I worried a little about the fact that, for all intensive purposes, I was leading the poor man on, but mostly I was just reading. So there you have it folks my threeish hour romance with Loghman. At least he finally admitted the fact that he likes me. And now I don't have to worry about leading him on.
In other news I was looking around deviant art yesterday and founded some very interesting pieces of fanart, mostly to do with Doctor Who, but one concerning the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. So here they are, for your enjoyment:

Homestar Runner as the 4th (and most famous) Doctor

The Doctors + Quotes

The major Discworld Characters

And now something for everyone who's read "Hamlet":
The Comedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by reina_isabella. I know it's not a picture but it's fucking brilliant, even if you don't like/know anything about Doctor Who.
As one last thing before I say adieu, would you like a jelly baby? [Instructions: Scroll to the bottom of the linked page and enjoy]
Now, adieu

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