
The Same Song and Dance

In checking my sites this morning I saw a headline on NME that chilled my blood and gave me flash backs to Brandon Flowers before "Sam's Town" was released. It read "Kaiser Chiefs condemn current indie scene." I just kept thinking "Please let Rick not have said, please let it have been one of the other band members." I didn't read NME's blip about what they said, instead I read DiS's take on it. First of all it was Nick who said that the indie scene was shite, and secondly his main complaint was that there isn't anything original about the scene. Which, interestingly enough is very similar to the complaint I made while I was only listening to the Beatles, that everything sounded the same.

In light of this I thought "Well what are they saying about their supports? That they aren't any good or something? And aren't they part of the indie scene (as DiS pointed out)?" So many questions, so few answers. I then decided that the best route to take would be to listen to some of these new bands that are so "average" and make up my own mind about the new indie scene. I haven't made a decision yet, but I do know one thing: If a band called the Twang is the next big thing in Nick Hodgson's mind, thank God 7digital is giving 30 second previews of the songs on their new album because otherwise "Yours Truly, Angry Mob" would be coming under some very hard scrutiny from this listener.

On a related side note, have I mentioned recently that I'm an music snob and no, I don't care that I am? Because I am a music snob and I don't care that I am. I have my taste in music and Mika ain't it. God Sophs is aggravating.

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