
Quickie Review for those with ADD and Then Some

Certain things that should be kept in mind: At least one of these bands (I'm not saying which) has been highly praised by NME as being the next big thing. I'm also in a terribly snarky mood and we all know I'm a picky bitch. Otherwise, enjoy!

The View -- :mumble, mumble: We're from the '90's! :continues to mumble: :tries to steal the guitar moves of Alex Turner: These blokes are from Dundee, Scotland. They are an exception to the "Everything from Northern England and Scotland is Genius" rule.

The Clientele -- Imagine the '60's, now. The early '60's mind you, not the late '60's. Imagine the Monkees, before they started the heavy drugs. Imagine happy flowers and smooth pop and flowy dresses. Imagine a French New Wave movie without the possible political undertones and Briggite Bardot smoking a cigarette. Or possibly a more laid back, more understandable Bob Dylan, at least for the vocals. Add it all up, and you have the Clientele

Au Revoir Simone -- American female bands seem to have a problem, at least vocally. From my very limited sampling, it seems that none of them have any emotion in their voices. This isn't true of their solo counterparts, or even the limited number of British counterparts (The Pipettes for instance.) Now when I say female bands I mean that all of the members are female. Obviously Jenny Lewis has no problem emoting during say, "I Never", but the lead vocalist for Au Revoir Simone does have this problem. Which is sad because otherwise Bird of Music wouldn't be too bad.

Since Au Revoir Simone put me in the mood for some belting, the reviews end. Now onto something that makes my blood boil. Almost literally...
This is not fair. Sure maybe one day I could be doing what Derek is doing, but he get's to do it now which is what makes it unfair. I want, would give my first born and limbs, to spend the summer in the UK. I would spend it anywhere (just try me, I'll go anywhere) and I wouldn't care what menial tasks I was given. I just want to be in the land of brilliant festivals (that I wouldn't be able to go to anyway because the really cool ones have been sold out for months.) Anyway, I find it completely unfair and I protest.
In other news...I have my IB music test tomorrow! Sure I don't really know Bartok that well, but hey I've got the rest of the test to show off. Also my IB Bio Paper 3 went really very well in my opinion. I might not get the best grade, but I answered all but one of the questions to the best of my ability and that's what counts. That and a passing score. Otherwise life is fairly boring. I'm waiting for Toshiba customer service to send me a reply so I can send my mp3 player back to them to hopefully be fixed. I now have an account on facebook (bleh). Umm...not much else.
On final note, I'll leave you with this: Scouse = someone from Liverpool = Coastal accent, with mixture from other places (port city) = Even Londoners can't understand what they're saying.

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