
Opened with Middling Reviews

Uuuuhhhh....Glasto. Possibly the worst weekend for a Brit music fan who lives in the States, because anyone whose anyone plays Glasto. Mind you it's suppose to rain again this year, but still. Mud at Glasto is different from other festival mud. It's god-like mud, not normal human mud. Anyway, NME is going to be a disaster area for me this weekend for me. I'm fairly sure that DIY and DiS won't be updating this weekend and I'll be able to avoid their coverage, but NME is just ridiculous in their coverage, so yeah. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Glasto, unlike in '05, where I knew shit. God, festival season.
Anyway! Moving away from the frustration of festival season, onto the snarking of the outside world! Yay!
Let's start with a tongue twister of sorts. You see much of the East Coast is littered with the remains of English colonization, particularly when it comes to names. If you ever get to visit upstate New York (near the Vermont border) be sure to visit Leeds. Or if you're in Vermont, hell even New Hampshire, visit Londonderry, it's fun. Anyway, the point is that there are two states that are named for cities (and actually dukedoms) in England (not Great Britain, England.) One of them is New Jersey. So...we finally get the piece of music news. Kasabian is headlining the Jersey Live two day festival. But not the cool Jersey in the States, the lame Jersey in England. So yeah, lame Jersey = Festival, cool Jersey = No Festival. And that's the point of this really long paragraph.
And now a dialog between the Brothers Jarman:
Ryan: Let's tour the States.
Gary and Ross: Okay!
Gary: Where should we go?
Ross: Places
Ryan and Gary: Duuh.
Ryan: How about we start out West and make our way to the East?
Gary and Ross: Okay!
Two months later...
Here are the East Coast dates and I'll let you decide for yourself what the Brothers were thinking: Toronto, NYC, Philly. That's it. >_< is all I have to say.
:as she listens to iTunes Paul McCartney ad: See what you get for smoking? A low voice that only kind of sounds like you when you were in your thirty's. Yeah, that's right, I'm dicking on Macca.
Moving along!
Sgt Pepper must die! That is all. Oh and total yay for Wayne Coyne and Jackie McKeown.
Okay, now non-music stuff. In a second entry, this one is way too long. Onwards and upwards!

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