I had room-mates, then I didn't have room-mates. Because of this, I declare UMW deficient at web page maintenance.
In any event, I'm in a triple in the dorm I wanted to be in (go storage!) on the top (fourth) floor. I'm nervous about being in a triple, because I predict doom, but we'll see how things go. One of my room-mates is from around here (NoVa) and the other is from New Hampshire. Cecilia and Allison. At least I'll have something to talk about with Farber.
So lets see, what else has been going on. Not much actually. I've been impatientally waiting for my room-mate and dorm information and not much else. Reading DW crack fic, wondering what the hell I'm doing reading DW crack fic, learning about how idiotic politicians were in Stuart England and how the horror that is Ireland came about because of the idiocy of Stuart England politicians, realizing that I have no life and slowly loosing my mind. But I do have some news articles! They're fun and funny.
First off we have an announcement. Hot Hot Heat are releasing an album! Now that's not really news to me, but it's more about how Mr. Kharas imparts this news. Really, the only interesting thing about the article is the last sentence/word: Sword. To which I reply: Cheese.
Now we all know I have a small obsession with Metallica. It's not that I like their music, I just think that most of articles related to them are hilarious. So as I go to have lunch, I leave you with this: Metallica singer stopped at airport for 'Taliban' beard.
Have a nice day.
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