
Not Much to Say

I don't really have that much to say. Wednesdays are a bitch for me because I'm always (or at least for the past three weeks have been) really tired and I have the most going on, on Wednesdays, so generally I hate Wednesdays. But really I have nothing to say, but the AV Club reporter Sean O'Neal has something to say about the Austin City Limits Festival, which of course I find fascinating. I found one comment particularly interesting, in which I learned that a certain lead singer is still a complete idiot. Sadly I can't link directly to it, but if you scroll down to the comment section of the above link, and look for "Ricky's Mangled Ankle" you too will learn about a certain lead singer who is still a complete idiot. Just as a reminder, I'm a very bitter old hag, particulary when tired. Also, I'm using an old version of IE that has no tabs, so I'm very annoyed, as well as being bitter. And I'm tired. All in all, I shouldn't be allowed to comment on Kaiser Chiefs, because I'm so terribly bitter and tired. :sigh:
I have a speech/lecture/thing to go to today and I'm not terribly excited about it. I can't decide whether I want to get dinner or not and I burned my tongue earlier today on hot chocolate. All of this, plus a nagging self doubt about my singing ability despite the fact that Prof. Tavernier saying I'm a natural singer, adds up to...something not good. I just hope I don't miss "America's Next Top Model." I'm really looking forward to that, in a strange and mind numbing way.

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