
What Kind of Fuckery is This

In my heyday of fangirl-ism I put up with a lot of shit. Truth is, I still put up with a lot of shit, but now it's on a wider scale of life, as compared to earlier times. But back when I was truly apeshit, I...well...put up with a lot of nonsense, more so than most Doctor Who fans put up with and to be a Doctor Who fan you have to put up with a hell of a lotta nonsense/bullshit. So, to say that I put up with more is really saying something. Now that the scales have fallen from my eyes though, I've realized, beyond the fact that bands get away with a hell of a lot, that with Yours Truly, Angry Mob the Kaiser Chiefs have gone from their videos making some sort of sense to absolutely disconnected from the song and generally making no sense whatsoever. So now, for your viewing (dis)pleasure the videos of YTAM and commentary:

If you a video that plays out a literal interpretation of the song, this video will not please you. The thing about this video is that, although it is rather surreal in nature, it's visually pleasing and overall has a sort of logic to it. In the grand scheme of music videos (and I mean everything) its one of the better ones I've seen, not only showcasing the artistry of the director while also showing off the band. A good one.

"Everything is Average Nowadays"
Not only does this video make sense given the overall gist of the song, it's also highly entertaining to watch. The best of the bunch, both in terms of logic and the concept of the video staying true to the lyrics of the song.

"The Angry Mob"
I've been going back through my journal entries trying to find where I slagged off this video, because this video freaks the hell out of me and I've only seen it once. Although it has a sort of thin connection to what the song is about, mostly it's just fucking crazy...

"Love's Not a Competition"
But not quite as crazy as this video. Not only is the image of rather poor quality, but it makes absolutely no fucking sense. There isn't even a vague connection to the song. It's just...absolutely and complete nonsense. With a trained dog. [Edit: My sister told me that this video referenced a movie scene. She didn't think I'd get it, but then when she mentioned it again, after I told her in didn't make sense and that the film quality was crappy, I answered her question. The video, quite cleverly, references The Conversation with Gene Hackmen. It's the first scene of the movie which is why I got it. Anything past that and I would have been lost. In any event, the above comments still apply, but there's some movie cred in there as well.]

So there you have it. All the videos for YTAM dissected by me. I'm feeling a bit jittery and incoherent, so I apologize for that. I need food. I'm going to take care of that now. Till later darlings.

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