
Things I Would Like To Say/Do To Allison That I Can't Because I Still Have a Week Left

  • Fuck you, you stupid bitch
  • No, I will not singing softer, go fuck yourself
  • You may have more exams, but at least I'll pass all of mine
  • How about you go to the library you dumb fuck
  • Why can't you be more like Cecilia?
  • :Takes away super long internet cable: :raspberry:
  • :Pointedly sings things in her direction:
  • What's that? I can't hear you over your crap taste in music, whore
  • [After hiding the remote control] Oh, yeah. You don't get to watch or use the TV any more. New rule.
  • I can't see you, therefore you don't exist :begins singing at top of lungs:
  • It's a shame I can't move out. Then I wouldn't have to deal with your bitchy whining, twat
  • Your taste in everything sucks and you have no culture. Having seen The Holy Grail means nothing
  • :Shoves q-tips in her ears:
  • :Blasts the Cribs at 5 o'clock in the morning:
  • I hope Charlie gives you syphilis and you die*
  • :Takes over all the room in front of the bunk beds:
  • You're about as thick as two short planks and as useful as a chocolate teapot
  • :Kills with mind:
  • [After killing with mind]Eejit

*A paraphrase of the following quote: "I hope they catch AIDS and die" (said by Oasis lead guitarist Noel Gallagher about Damon Albarn and Alex James of the band Blur)

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