People can be incredibly cruel. I wouldn't know this from first had experience mind you, but I see it all the time. Or more accurately I hear about it all the time. People doing things that are cruel and selfish, acts that hurt the people around them more than they could ever guess. People hurt people constantly, emotionally and physically. And the beauty in all of it, is that I rarely deal with it first hand. Sure people annoy me and do things that can hurt, but nothing as cruel as what happened tonight. I've never been lied to my face or excluded when I wanted to be included. As much as I'm currently living the anti-social life, it isn't as if I'm completely alone. I interact, much like I did in 10th grade with the people around me to the extent that I want to, and really that's all that matters to me. Nonetheless, people are still incredibly cruel, but only to the people they care about most. Maybe that's why I never get myself involved too deeply in other people. A sly way of protecting myself from love's cruelty.
They only reason I'm writing this is because I was listening to Keane's cover of "Under Pressure" and the last verse got to me again. But for me, tonight was good. I watched a movie with acquaintances and wasn't alone. As much as I enjoy being alone, I don't like spending all my time alone, so tonight was good, in a bitter-sweet way. Because, you see, people are cruel.
On a happier note, I've figured out the people I get along best with are either music geeks or ADHD/ADD. Just shows that the socially awkward always get along best with the socially awkward.
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