I've decided something. After listening to Sound of Silver by LCD Soundsystem, I've decided that if Fake DIY says I should listen to something, I should do as they say. My reasoning is that Sound of Silver is in fact brilliant and Fake DIY and I seem to be on the same wave length when it comes to music so I should do as they say. I'm sure I've made this comment before, but as my New Year's resolution I'm actually going to follow through on listening to new music suggested by Fake DIY. Besides they're getting a US branch which will make my life slightly easier (US releases and all that jazz).
On a related side note, James Murphy aka LCD Soundsystem, somehow makes seven minutes not seem like seven minutes. Usually I can tell when a track is longer than four minutes, but not so with LCD Soundsystem. I actually thought a track that was around three minutes was actually much longer than it was and a track that was only seven minutes much shorter than it is. In my opinion, that is brilliance.
I may or may not do my top X lists for 2007. I'll probably post some of my favourites (including Fake DIY's top 20 list) with comments, but there's a good chance I won't post my own because, well you all know how lazy I am. Besides you can all guess my number one (it starts with a "y" and ends with a "b") and then everything else is just fairly random and trying to remember whether it was actually released in 2007. All of that will be in another entry though, so no worries.
Now onto something completely different.
I finally got a chance to watch Amy Winehouse's first time on NMTB and not only was the episode quite delightful, but it was really amusing to see Amy not drunk. Well not amusing, more like amazing. I don't know...I guess you have to watch the episode yourself. So go forth and search my friends!
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