
More Fangirling

So I'm home for a week, which means that if I'm not really careful, I'll use up all my means of entertainment today and be bored the rest of the week. Hence why I'm updating my journal.
One of the things that I like about LiveJournal, other than the easy access to DW fanfiction/smut, the ability to show off my insane side through little pictures called avatars or icons. I currently have 270, of which I can only use 15 at any given time. Granted most of the icons are just taking up space on my hard drive, but some things are just to hard to get rid of. (Note to self: Icon folder needs pruning.) Today I added two more of which I'm going to show you one. The one I'm going to show you is related to this post and more specifically the bits that come after the capslock section. Now onto the icon:
For niceness and fear of retaliation the icon that I posted was created by mediocrechick over at LJ.
Of course the downside of making that particular icon my default over at LJ means that I might spend more time smiling at staring at the upper left hand corner of my screen than is really necessary. Oh well.
That's it for me. Toodles.

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