It's not often a band can fool you into thinking their penultimate night of touring is actually their first night of touring. But given the amount of energy the White Rabbits had last night (about the same amount as 20 unmedicated ADHD kids) you wouldn't be faulted for thinking just that. Although the audience seemed almost incapable of moving the band more than made up for the lack of energy emanating from that part of the room. The set, which seemed particularly short for a headlining act, was fast paced with only a handful of slow song to change the pace for the stagnant audience. The band, made up of two drummers, three guitarists, and one keyboardist, seemed to be having a ball though which in the end is all that matters sometimes.
Openers Greenland, a local DC and, kept a fast pace more akin to the White Rabbits than Miles..., who wouldn't maybe been more at home opening for the Walkmen. All in all the gig was good, no matter how apathetic the audience seemed.
White Rabbits
- Standford Town/Sea of Rum
- While We Go Dancing
- Dinner Party
- Navy Wives
- Fox Hunting
- ?
- Fort Nightly
- I Use To Complain Now I Don't
- The Plot [with three tambourines]
- Take A Walk Around the Table
- Maggie's Farm [a Bob Dylan cover]
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