Generally life is good. There are some not so good bits that are more frustrating than actually bad, but those frustrations mostly just makes me more motivated than defeated. The major frustration lately has been music theory mainly because my teacher doesn't know how to teach to people who don't care about theory as much as he does, but now that I've realized that he really does take his exam questions from the checkpoint questions in my theory book, at least the tests will be easier. I've also had to embrace the fact that you can't be perfect at something you've never done before and being disappointed in yourself for not being perfect at something you've never done before is the road to becoming my mother. It's frustrating, no doubt, but you just have to embrace the frustration and live with it. Eventually it will go away, or at least that's what I'm banking on.
But as I said life is generally good. I've got someone who cares about me which is something I've wanted for a very long time and quite frankly having that in my life tempers my overall bitterness about the world. The fact that I haven't listened to the Cribs in weeks is a testament to that fact. No, I've nothing real to complain about and that's a very welcome change.
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