
The Fear of Good Days and Bad Days

Ah, time for some reviews. Lily Allen has a single, the Kaiser Chiefs have a single...and both have videos! There's also the small matter of not wanting to think about my exams, so here's a nice way to pass the time. Write two reviews.

"The Fear" --- Lily Allen
Lily Allen has a gift for lyrics. She writes brilliant and catchy lyrics that, while not exactly mind-stretchers, are able to be topical without sounding pedantic. However, as with "The Fear", she can sound a bit hypocritical singing them. In this latest single Ms. Allen's musical vocabulary has expanded to a certain extent, but ultimately her songs aren't about the music but the lyrics and the lyrics sound silly coming out of her mouth. Ms. Allen is almost as well known for her tabloid antics as she is for her music and so singing about the stupidity and shallowness of her life seems a tad rich. A bit like the pot calling the kettle black if you know I mean. But "The Fear" is saved by the musical expansion exhibited by Ms. Allen and her cohorts. If this any indication of her next, I'm sure it will be as good and as catchy as her last one. Let's just hope she avoids any more hypocrisy. [As for the video, it's majestic and visually interesting, but Lily is not a good actress. Really horrible in fact.]

"Good Days Bad Days" --- The Kaiser Chiefs
There's something peculiar about the Kaiser Chiefs. First impression rarely do justice to the actual quality of the music they produce. While I wouldn't exactly retract my original grading of Off With Their Heads I don't hate the album much as I did when I first listened to it. There are moments in nearly every song that makes it worth while to listen to. In the case of "Good Days Bad Days" it's the refrain and bit towards the end that discusses changing your attitude. "Good Days Bad Days" isn't a brilliant song by any stretch of the imagination, but if you listen to it enough times, you too will find a moment in it that you like and makes it worth while to listen to. That's just how the Kaiser Chiefs work. [Peanut was in hospital during the video shoot and the hang a neat little sign on his keyboard that says "Be back in 5 minutes." The whole thing is a giddy romp that reminds me of the video for "Everyday I Love You Less and Less" except without skeleton sex. Though it's odd, they always pat down Ricky's hair and it makes him look really odd. But yeah, good video.]

Ugh. Exams. I've got so much MacGamut to do it hurts my brain just thinking about it. However I got to watch a really weird French movie last night, so it's not all bad. Well the exam bits are, but the French movie isn't. So yeah, off to bed. Night.

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