
I Have My Music on Shuffle and No Regrets

School can be really complicated and stressful. A bit like relationships, but more easily fixed. The problem is fixed, but I still have to get up well before 8 which makes me sad. :sigh: I'm just not a morning person at all.
Today was the first day of classes here at good ol' UMW and I was up bright and early at 7:15ish am. I won't have to get up that early everyday, but the only days I'll be sleeping in this semester are the weekends, and even that could change, god only knows. My first three classes were good and will be good. I mean theory is theory, but my classics and history classes should be at least mildly interesting if not actually quite fascinating. And then I was done. It was kind of nice today, but this whole being done at noon shit is going to get boring really fast, and probably very awkward. Still, it gave me plenty of time to worry over my geography class. Which I'm no longer in.
One of the great things about my brain is that it has an incredibly difficult time remembering that aren't trivial* or in some sort of context. So when I found out that 50% of my grade in geography would be based on how well I can memorize maps and remember them at 8 in the morning, I started panicking a little. I knew this could an issue, but I was kind of hoping I would be able to avoid it. Alas, me and geography were not meant to be and I'm now taking Asian Civ. II. The brilliant thing about this new class that I'm taking is a)I don't have to memorize any maps (as far as I know) and b)it covers the part of Asian history that deals with Europe, thus is tangentially about Europe. Oh yeah, I'm totally grasping at straws there. Granted this doesn't solve the problem of band set-up, but I've decided that what I'm going to do is set-up the night/afternoon before and put up a sign telling people not to mess with the room on pain of death (and yes, I really mean death.) Except for tomorrow, because I came up with this great idea well after the band room should have been closed. Tomorrow I have to hope someone will be there to open the room for me, or I might just explode before I even get a chance to enjoy any of my classes.
The highlight of my day though was eating with people. People can be really fun. So is threatening your boyfriend with a pitchfork if he doesn't study enough. I wonder if you can get pitchforks on Amazon...
On one last final note, I sent in my application for an internship at NPR. Here's to not getting a position yet again!

*While memorizing countries on a map might seem trivial, my kind of trivial is within a context as well. Like knowing that Billie Piper was on the same NMTB episode as Meatloaf or knowing that Ricky Wilson was born on Jan. 19th, ten years before me. All trivial, but within a context.

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