
Therapy and OK Go

Sunday night I figured out, after some thinking, that I'm depressed. Yesterday I admitted this fact to my mum (because mum gets to know everything) who told me to go seek counsel at pysch services. This morning I made a emergency appointment with pysch services. This afternoon I told my entire life story to one of the counselors, Larissa. There wasn't a single topic we didn't touch on. I talked about mum, I talked about dad, I talked about Sophie, I talked about Miles, I talked about my childhood, I talked about my previous boughts with therapy. There was not a single topic Larissa and I didn't touch on. It was kind of cathartic, just saying all of it. It was also nice because she confirmed that Miles was a traumatic event in my life, that I haven't been exaggerating that fact. The only downside is that she's going to be communicating with Farber. I don't know why that irks me, but it does. Mum came up with a good suggestion though: Email Larissa and tell her to tell Farber that this is what happens when Nore has a boyfriend. She becomes an emotional wreck and therefore should not have a boyfriend who's an ass. And aren't we all glad she didn't have one in high school because right now she'd be at NOVA. I'm not going to follow through on that suggestion though, because that's just spiteful, and I'm above that (most of the time.) So yeah, I'm back in a therapy of sorts. 0_0
Now the play list from OK Go's show. It should be noted that about half of the set list was made up of new songs, so when I actually know what the new songs are called I'll edit this entry with the correct titles. For now most of them will be notated as follows: (New). It's just easier that way. Anywho, play list!

OK Go 3/7/09 Recher Theatre
  • (New) Shoot the Moon
  • Get Over It
  • A Million Ways
  • (New)
  • (New)
  • Oh Lately It's So Quiet
  • (New)
  • It's a Disaster
  • Do What You Want
  • What To Do (with handbells)[yes I realize the video isn't from the show I went to and yes I did record the performance I saw, but a) don't know how to upload it and b) don't want y'all to hear me sing]
  • (New)
  • Don't Ask Me
  • (New)
  • Here It Goes Again
  • (New)
  • A Good Idea at the Time
  • Invincible
Until next time.

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