1. Do you believe in good and/or bad luck?
I do believe in both good and bad luck. I also believe in karma and fate, which good and bad luck play into.
2. Do you believe there is one man/woman luckier than all the rest?
No. Just people who are luckier than me at the moment.
3. When was the last time you considered yourself lucky?
Not for many moons. Over two months in fact.
4. What is the most unlucky thing to ever happen to you?
Christ I don't know. I don't think there's a single unlucky thing/event that happened to me, more like a string of rather unlucky years.
5. Where do you think luck (good or bad) comes from?
Karma and fate. Mostly karma though.
1. If you could give out Best Picture, Best Actor/Actress and Best Director Oscars to any movies (not necessarily all from the same year) to people/films that haven't won, what would they be?
I would give Cary Grant and Fred Astaire best Actors for most of their movies, cuz they totally deserve them. Otherwise I've not got an opinion really.
2. What is your favorite genre of writing (short stories, novels, nonfiction...)?
I like Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and nonfiction about British history and pop music history.
3. Are there any CDs to which you know every word? Movies?
Employment, Yours Truly, Angry Mob, Franz Ferdinand, You Could Have It So Much, Under the Iron Sea...I could go on really, but I won't. As for movies, no. Never Mind the Buzzcocks episodes, yes.
4. If you could write and cast your own movie, what would it be about and who would you cast?
I don't know what it would be about but I would cast Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson and Johnny Depp. And Jo Brand for no particular reason. Also Bill Bailey and Phil Jupitus, and all their scenes would be together. Yeah, that would be a really strange movie.
5. What's the best song to wake you up? Put you to sleep?
Best song to wake me up would be..."Darts of Pleasure" or "Na Na Na Na Na." Or Lily Allen's cover of "Oh My God" or "Never Gonna Happen." However music doesn't really put me to sleep, so I don't know.
Decision Time
I've decided, for no particular reason other than that I have, that the man I end up with for keeps (ie get married to) will be a very strange amalgamation of the men I watch on the tellie/computer screen and the men I listen to. Which is why I doubt I'll ever marry an American :knocks on wood: because you can't be a strange amalgamation of x number of British men if you're American. I just doesn't work. Anyway that's what I've decided. I should get back to studying now. I won't, but I should.
Edit: I should add I've also decided that the future hubbie will be older than me. Even if it's just a couple of years, he'll be older than me. Now back to QI where I will continue to feed my older-man crush.
Edit: I should add I've also decided that the future hubbie will be older than me. Even if it's just a couple of years, he'll be older than me. Now back to QI where I will continue to feed my older-man crush.
I Feel Fine, Think I'll Go For a Walk Now
For anyone worrying, I'm fine. Stressed to the extreme, but no longer losing my faith in humanity. I'm also no longer furious with the world, just mildly irritated. As for those of you on LJ who have commented on recent entries, I know I haven't replied, but that's because I'm just a horrible person who finds communication to be very awkward, no matter the format. So, thank you to all of you for your words of support and advice. As I often say, I'm really just a horrible person. I'm surprised no one has figured this out yet, so I'll just keep saying it: I'm a horrible person.
What's stressing me right now is the lack of studying I require as compared to nearly everyone I know. It's stressing me because this sort of thing always stresses me. Not being normal in certain arenas stresses me and so we have Nore stressing about not studying. Of course I'm also stressing about exams and packing which is normal and then of course we have grades. I'm feeling more pyscho this year than I did last year, but then again I also don't have a pyscho as a roommate, so there's kind of a trade off. I'm torturing myself instead of someone else torturing, though I'm not sure which is worse. :sigh: I really do hate the end of the year.
What's stressing me right now is the lack of studying I require as compared to nearly everyone I know. It's stressing me because this sort of thing always stresses me. Not being normal in certain arenas stresses me and so we have Nore stressing about not studying. Of course I'm also stressing about exams and packing which is normal and then of course we have grades. I'm feeling more pyscho this year than I did last year, but then again I also don't have a pyscho as a roommate, so there's kind of a trade off. I'm torturing myself instead of someone else torturing, though I'm not sure which is worse. :sigh: I really do hate the end of the year.
Feeling of the Moment
I just want to get this off my chest: I currently hate almost the everyone. I'm including the entire world in this definition, which might seem a bit ridiculous, but take into account that it's festival season (and has been for quite awhile) and you've got at least a 1/16th (wild guesstimate) of the world with whom I'm at least very annoyed with. Then take into account the number of people I know who know the ex and that's another very small percentage of people who may cause annoyance (damn you Facebook, damn you to hell.) Then of course we add in all couples on campus and we've got yet another small percentage that irk me. Put all of those small percentages together we've got about, I dunno, another rather small but significant percentage of people who I hate right now. I blame stress and my subconscious (more on that in a bit). Still, there's a great number you people who I hate right now and I just needed to write it down. I also blame my sprained ankle. It only adds fire to my anger. Still one my persevere despite one's own inner turmoil.
Last night I had a dream where I got to yell and scream and smack the ex. Oddly enough another friend was there facilitating this whole thing, except he seemed to be on the ex's side, but it didn't really matter. The fact that I'm dreaming about him disturbs me to no end, but then Facebook (damn it's non-existent eyes) had to keep showing this photo of him with his slag. 'Course the only reason I knew it was him was because I clicked the damn thing. And this stupid sprained ankle thing makes me feel like an awkward idiot. Everything just seems to be going wrong and I can't stop it. I need something good to happen to me or I might just lose all my faith in life.
Last night I had a dream where I got to yell and scream and smack the ex. Oddly enough another friend was there facilitating this whole thing, except he seemed to be on the ex's side, but it didn't really matter. The fact that I'm dreaming about him disturbs me to no end, but then Facebook (damn it's non-existent eyes) had to keep showing this photo of him with his slag. 'Course the only reason I knew it was him was because I clicked the damn thing. And this stupid sprained ankle thing makes me feel like an awkward idiot. Everything just seems to be going wrong and I can't stop it. I need something good to happen to me or I might just lose all my faith in life.
I'm so in love with this song, so I'm going to post the lyrics. Also, just as a side note, the way Karen O sings sometimes reminds me of things I don't talk about in my blog :cough:sex:cough:
"Zero" --- Yeah Yeah Yeahs, It's Blitz
Shake it like a ladder to the sun
Makes me feel like a madman on the run
Find me, never, never far gone
So get your leather, leather, leather on, on, on, on
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Shake it like a ladder to the sun
Makes me feel like a madman on the run
No you're never, never far gone
So get your leather, leather, leather on, on, on, on
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
What's your name?
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
"Zero" --- Yeah Yeah Yeahs, It's Blitz
Shake it like a ladder to the sun
Makes me feel like a madman on the run
Find me, never, never far gone
So get your leather, leather, leather on, on, on, on
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Shake it like a ladder to the sun
Makes me feel like a madman on the run
No you're never, never far gone
So get your leather, leather, leather on, on, on, on
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
What's your name?
Your zero
What's your name?
No one's going to ask you
Better find out where they want you to go
Try and hit the spot
Get to know it in the dark
Get to know it whether you're
Crying, crying, crying, oh, oh
Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
Was it the cure?
Was it the cure?
Hope not!
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
Life Imitates Life
I'm in a goodly amount of pain right now. You see I twisted my ankle and well, that hurts I'm discovering. I can't really bend my ankle in any way. The only reason I'm writing about this is because, while I was on stage (which is where I twisted my ankle) I had an almost identical reaction to the idea of fainting that I did the last time I fainted. Namely, when I started feeling very flush and the lights suddenly got very bright my brain told, "We will persevere through this, and we will not collapse dammit." Of course it didn't help that I was in the middle of singing the premier of an original composition by a) the head of the department and b) my theory prof (same person, two roles.) And just like last time, I fainted. Of course last time I didn't do something horrible to my ankle, but it's amusing in a macabre way. Now I have to finish this damn research paper or I'll be royally screwed. Also I would just like to end this entry with following piece of information: I lieu of an ACE bandage, I'm currently using a pair of panty hose. Hurrah ingenuity.
Edit: First I realize that the title of this entry doesn't make sense unless you're in my head, so I will explain: My favourite lead singer had a habit of breaking one of his ankles every year. He hasn't done it recently, but when I realized that I had sprained my ankle, it was like "Ha, I did a slightly less debilitating version of what he's done in the past." Hence (my) life imitating (R's) life.
Today however was quite amusing. A friend of mine, Sam, was in the balcony for the performance and for some reason thought my fainting was some creative/artistic choice made by Dr. Long, ruined by my horrible acting. I laughed really hard and then got to tell my story to my entire theory class. I suspect I'm going to be explaining my hobbling around for another couple of days before the whole music department knows and therefore I don't have to explain it anymore. Still, I'm all stiff upper lip and carrying on like always. 'Cuz I'm secretly British.
Edit: First I realize that the title of this entry doesn't make sense unless you're in my head, so I will explain: My favourite lead singer had a habit of breaking one of his ankles every year. He hasn't done it recently, but when I realized that I had sprained my ankle, it was like "Ha, I did a slightly less debilitating version of what he's done in the past." Hence (my) life imitating (R's) life.
Today however was quite amusing. A friend of mine, Sam, was in the balcony for the performance and for some reason thought my fainting was some creative/artistic choice made by Dr. Long, ruined by my horrible acting. I laughed really hard and then got to tell my story to my entire theory class. I suspect I'm going to be explaining my hobbling around for another couple of days before the whole music department knows and therefore I don't have to explain it anymore. Still, I'm all stiff upper lip and carrying on like always. 'Cuz I'm secretly British.
Happiness Is
This is just a short observation that I wanted to write down before I lost it: There are three things in this world that make me truly happy
- Truly great music
- Great TV (I just finished watching a new episode of Bones with Stephen Fry, which is why I'm writing this in the first place)
- A great book (both fiction and non-fiction)
Sad Songs and Waltzes
I'm stressed. And I'm worried. For the first time this year I'm purposefully blowing off an assignment because I just can't handle doing it right now. I don't think I'm going to just not do it, I'm just not doing it tonight. And that worries me because I haven't done that this year and since entering college I've generally tried to avoid that kind of behaviour. It was a behaviour I left behind in high school, or at least a behaviour I tried to leave behind in high school. But this project is 1/7 of my grade and I'm not incapable of doing it. Which is why I'm stressing. This semester has to go well for me and thus far my general feeling is that it's not. I know I'm not doing particularly well in Classics, I have a good chance of pulling my grade up to a B in Asian Civ, absolutely no clue in music history (thanks for getting those papers back Roach) and so-so in Theory. I need all of these classes to be Bs. It might not be possible in Classics, unless I do fabulously on the final and actually turn in the paper for Troy and there's a very good chance of getting a B in Asian Civ. I could be doing a lot better in music history than I currently think I am, but since I haven't gotten any of my papers back I can't be sure. Which gets us back to theory. I did really well on the first test and so-so on the second test. Past analysis and comp projects lead me to believe that I'll do fairly well on the comp project, as long as I don't get myself to far into something crazy, and I'd do well on the analysis project if I was turning it in on time. But I'm not. And so I stress. Until this project is turned in, I won't be calm. Quite frankly, until I know that I have a 3.0, I won't be calm. I'll be worried and stressed. None of which is conducive to doing well. It's a vicious little circle I live in. A vicious never ending circle.
Since Easter '07, this holiday has been a bit strange for me. Before 2007, Easter was just another holiday were I went to church, suffered through incense and listened to really good music. It didn't mean that much because I'm not a particulary religious person. That's still true, but now the holiday has two meanings for me, which is why it's a strange day for me.
Two years ago I became obsessed with Doctor Who. Since the new series started, the first episode of each series has traditionally been aired around the same time as Easter (except last year because Easter was so ridiculously early.) At the same time I was started getting obsessed with DW, I was full on obsessed with the Kaiser Chiefs. 2007 saw the end of that full on obsession (though I'm sure some would beg to differ). Within a week of each other, I watched my first "as it airs" episode of DW, saw my fangirl dreams come crashing to a fiery end, and celebrated Easter. It was all a bit traumatic (you try singing an 11:15 service after staying up until 3 in the morning, most of which was spent screaming) and sticks all together in my mind as one big blob. Kaiser Chiefs/Easter/Martha (first epi of the 3rd series don't ya know). And that's was the beginning of the duplicity (in meaning) of Easter.
Last year was unremarkable though. Easter came very early and while I'm sure I went home, I don't really remember what I did. Other than suffering through incense, but that's a given. Doctor Who started up a week later, but didn't even get a mention in either of my blogs. But I do remember the time difference being a big jarring because I just assumed the two (Easter and DW) went hand in hand.
This year's DW Easter episode didn't mark the beginning of a new series, but acted more as a reminder that Tennant's era is swiftly coming to an end. And in much the same, this year's celebration is acting as stark reminder that my sophomore year is swiftly coming to an end as well. It's a bit odd though, a holiday that's meant to be seen as a renewal of the year, even in it's original form, acts more as a reminder of endings for me.
So I've lost the thread of this entry (stupid Easter dinner/train back to school). In essence, what I'm trying to say is that Easter isn't an exactly religious holiday for me, it's more a day when I get new DW. Because I'm going to burn in hell. :sigh:
Proper entry in 30 minutes.
Two years ago I became obsessed with Doctor Who. Since the new series started, the first episode of each series has traditionally been aired around the same time as Easter (except last year because Easter was so ridiculously early.) At the same time I was started getting obsessed with DW, I was full on obsessed with the Kaiser Chiefs. 2007 saw the end of that full on obsession (though I'm sure some would beg to differ). Within a week of each other, I watched my first "as it airs" episode of DW, saw my fangirl dreams come crashing to a fiery end, and celebrated Easter. It was all a bit traumatic (you try singing an 11:15 service after staying up until 3 in the morning, most of which was spent screaming) and sticks all together in my mind as one big blob. Kaiser Chiefs/Easter/Martha (first epi of the 3rd series don't ya know). And that's was the beginning of the duplicity (in meaning) of Easter.
Last year was unremarkable though. Easter came very early and while I'm sure I went home, I don't really remember what I did. Other than suffering through incense, but that's a given. Doctor Who started up a week later, but didn't even get a mention in either of my blogs. But I do remember the time difference being a big jarring because I just assumed the two (Easter and DW) went hand in hand.
This year's DW Easter episode didn't mark the beginning of a new series, but acted more as a reminder that Tennant's era is swiftly coming to an end. And in much the same, this year's celebration is acting as stark reminder that my sophomore year is swiftly coming to an end as well. It's a bit odd though, a holiday that's meant to be seen as a renewal of the year, even in it's original form, acts more as a reminder of endings for me.
So I've lost the thread of this entry (stupid Easter dinner/train back to school). In essence, what I'm trying to say is that Easter isn't an exactly religious holiday for me, it's more a day when I get new DW. Because I'm going to burn in hell. :sigh:
Proper entry in 30 minutes.
More Stuff/Different Stuff
So I "realized" this morning that yesterday's insanity was due to a distinct lack of any meds. I realized this when I got this eerie feeling when I was about to take my pills this morning that I hadn't looked in my medicine draw since Saturday. And this was confirmed by my birth control pill packet. I spent most of this morning feeling slightly woozy because I hadn't taken an iron supplement since Saturday and so my iron was low. Fun times.
I had a music history test today and it was crap. I don't think it will be as bad as my last test, but it was still crap. So much bs, it smelled. I would blame the teacher, because she's very blameworthy, but just because she's shite doesn't mean I shouldn't try a little harder in this class. It would be an easy A if I tried. Sadly, not even London is enough motivation to make me give a shit about this class. :sigh:
Today I found out that the general manager of the radio station knows my name. It was really strange because I just sort of assumed that she had no idea who I was, other than someone who goes to all the meetings and regularly does her show. She even wanted to know if I was interested in being an officer. It was truly odd. I my mind I'm seen as wallpaper to most people and so it's always bizarre to find out that I'm not. Anyway, the GM knows my name. Weird stuff.
By the way, if you're interested my radio show is on Wednesdays, 9-10pm EDT on wmwc.umw.edu. It's good times and general insanity. So yeah, there you have it.
I had a music history test today and it was crap. I don't think it will be as bad as my last test, but it was still crap. So much bs, it smelled. I would blame the teacher, because she's very blameworthy, but just because she's shite doesn't mean I shouldn't try a little harder in this class. It would be an easy A if I tried. Sadly, not even London is enough motivation to make me give a shit about this class. :sigh:
Today I found out that the general manager of the radio station knows my name. It was really strange because I just sort of assumed that she had no idea who I was, other than someone who goes to all the meetings and regularly does her show. She even wanted to know if I was interested in being an officer. It was truly odd. I my mind I'm seen as wallpaper to most people and so it's always bizarre to find out that I'm not. Anyway, the GM knows my name. Weird stuff.
By the way, if you're interested my radio show is on Wednesdays, 9-10pm EDT on wmwc.umw.edu. It's good times and general insanity. So yeah, there you have it.
Closure and Hyperness
I'm so fraking hyper right now, it's almost not funny. And I've been almost this hyper all day. It's insane. But yeah, here are some lyrics. It would seem that I've reached some semblance of closure, all without the ex's help (big shock there.) So here are lyrics :D
"Merry Happy" --- Kate Nash, Made of Bricks (the other italicized bits are the important bits...everything else is just nice)
Watching me like you never watch no one
Don't tell me that you didn't try and check out my bum
Cause I know that you did
Cause your friend told me that you liked it
Gave me those pearls and I thought they were ugly
Though you try to tell me that you never loved me
I know that you did
'Cause you said it and you wrote it down
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt form you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
Sitting in restaurants
Thought we were so grown up
But I know now that we were not the people
That we turned out to be
Chatting on the phone
Can't take back those hours
But I won't regret
'Cause you can grow flowers
From where dirt used to be
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
"Merry Happy" --- Kate Nash, Made of Bricks (the other italicized bits are the important bits...everything else is just nice)
Watching me like you never watch no one
Don't tell me that you didn't try and check out my bum
Cause I know that you did
Cause your friend told me that you liked it
Gave me those pearls and I thought they were ugly
Though you try to tell me that you never loved me
I know that you did
'Cause you said it and you wrote it down
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt form you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
Sitting in restaurants
Thought we were so grown up
But I know now that we were not the people
That we turned out to be
Chatting on the phone
Can't take back those hours
But I won't regret
'Cause you can grow flowers
From where dirt used to be
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
Business Update
Here's whats been going on for the past four-ish days.
Most of Saturday was spent whiling away the time until later that night. I really didn't do anything at all, though I must say Dollhouse is an amazing show and it's the first time I've seen a Whedon production during its original run-time. Saturday night however I went to see my school's production of The Vagina Monologues which was absolutely amazing. I was really impressed with the whole thing and would highly recommend everyone who reads this blog going to see it next year. Obviously not at my school, unless you're someone who is at my school and is reading this. In which case 1) why are you reading this and 2) go see The Vagina Monologues next year.
Sunday was more boring than Saturday, mostly because I spent three hours all by myself in the media lab. At least I was getting paid, but seriously, no one showed up. I continued to be really tired, which was a theme that started on Saturday, but seemed more prevalent on Sunday because I actually tried to sleep on the couch we have in the media lab. I would not suggest anyone else doing that, it is very uncomfortable.
I thought about skipping classics because we're just watching Troy and I could watch that on my own time when I was more awake. Decided against doing that because I found out that my music history class was cancelled and so I went to watch Troy. It was more ridiculous than I remembered it being, but sometimes it's fun to watch ridiculous things. I also battled my way through registration. That was not fun and made my exhaustion all the more prevalent. So after work on Monday I took a nap and slept through the radio station meeting. I only feel a little bad about this since I've been to every single one of those damn meetings this semester and I'm sure we'll have another one next week. Monday was also the night of the Ben Folds concert, which I'm still recovering from. The audience was comatose (though there were a few jumpers and rockers like me) and one person on my flist over at Facebook said that the whole thing took too long. I wanted to comment and ask if he'd ever been to a professional rock concert before, but was too tired. The actual concert though was excellent and the openers, Jukebox the Ghost, were really awesome too. As will all Ben Folds shows, I didn't write a setlist, though I suspect I could have this time. Still, the whole thing was mucho fun and I was sad that I couldn't stay the whole time. Damn you early classes!
Yesterday I ended up being a good little student and not only did band set-up in record time, I also went to my Asian Civ. class. Had skills, then band. In band we finally met the soloist who is performing with us on Friday and damn. He's a saxophonist and his fingers move so fucking fast...even jaded Nore was impressed. I was literally leaning over while we were practicing so I could look at his fingers while he was playing. It was amazing. Kind of like Ben Folds. I also had my lesson, which went better than I expected since I had only looked at the piece he had given me last week once. However my exhaustion, both from the night before and in general, was slowly taking over me. I didn't get a nap though which made me sad. I did watch new House, Gossip Girl (OMG Vanessa and Chuck are not cool, nor are Nate and Blair. Chuck and Blair forever!). I also watched new Law and Order: UK which always makes me happy. Then I went to bed.
I took a nap today! And I have my show tonight. I've listened to all of Ida Maria's debut album and deem it good. I've listened to part of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' third album and deem Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Tonight's show, while being prepared at the last minute, should be good. I'm still tired. I could probably sleep forever if I wanted to. I'm seeing Larissa tomorrow, which should be interesting since by now she should have talked to Farber. We'll see. I might update. I've got a six page paper due on Friday and I'm not excited. Or prepared. Nor have I started it. Oh well. We shall see.
Most of Saturday was spent whiling away the time until later that night. I really didn't do anything at all, though I must say Dollhouse is an amazing show and it's the first time I've seen a Whedon production during its original run-time. Saturday night however I went to see my school's production of The Vagina Monologues which was absolutely amazing. I was really impressed with the whole thing and would highly recommend everyone who reads this blog going to see it next year. Obviously not at my school, unless you're someone who is at my school and is reading this. In which case 1) why are you reading this and 2) go see The Vagina Monologues next year.
Sunday was more boring than Saturday, mostly because I spent three hours all by myself in the media lab. At least I was getting paid, but seriously, no one showed up. I continued to be really tired, which was a theme that started on Saturday, but seemed more prevalent on Sunday because I actually tried to sleep on the couch we have in the media lab. I would not suggest anyone else doing that, it is very uncomfortable.
I thought about skipping classics because we're just watching Troy and I could watch that on my own time when I was more awake. Decided against doing that because I found out that my music history class was cancelled and so I went to watch Troy. It was more ridiculous than I remembered it being, but sometimes it's fun to watch ridiculous things. I also battled my way through registration. That was not fun and made my exhaustion all the more prevalent. So after work on Monday I took a nap and slept through the radio station meeting. I only feel a little bad about this since I've been to every single one of those damn meetings this semester and I'm sure we'll have another one next week. Monday was also the night of the Ben Folds concert, which I'm still recovering from. The audience was comatose (though there were a few jumpers and rockers like me) and one person on my flist over at Facebook said that the whole thing took too long. I wanted to comment and ask if he'd ever been to a professional rock concert before, but was too tired. The actual concert though was excellent and the openers, Jukebox the Ghost, were really awesome too. As will all Ben Folds shows, I didn't write a setlist, though I suspect I could have this time. Still, the whole thing was mucho fun and I was sad that I couldn't stay the whole time. Damn you early classes!
Yesterday I ended up being a good little student and not only did band set-up in record time, I also went to my Asian Civ. class. Had skills, then band. In band we finally met the soloist who is performing with us on Friday and damn. He's a saxophonist and his fingers move so fucking fast...even jaded Nore was impressed. I was literally leaning over while we were practicing so I could look at his fingers while he was playing. It was amazing. Kind of like Ben Folds. I also had my lesson, which went better than I expected since I had only looked at the piece he had given me last week once. However my exhaustion, both from the night before and in general, was slowly taking over me. I didn't get a nap though which made me sad. I did watch new House, Gossip Girl (OMG Vanessa and Chuck are not cool, nor are Nate and Blair. Chuck and Blair forever!). I also watched new Law and Order: UK which always makes me happy. Then I went to bed.
I took a nap today! And I have my show tonight. I've listened to all of Ida Maria's debut album and deem it good. I've listened to part of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' third album and deem Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Tonight's show, while being prepared at the last minute, should be good. I'm still tired. I could probably sleep forever if I wanted to. I'm seeing Larissa tomorrow, which should be interesting since by now she should have talked to Farber. We'll see. I might update. I've got a six page paper due on Friday and I'm not excited. Or prepared. Nor have I started it. Oh well. We shall see.
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