
Feeling of the Moment

I just want to get this off my chest: I currently hate almost the everyone. I'm including the entire world in this definition, which might seem a bit ridiculous, but take into account that it's festival season (and has been for quite awhile) and you've got at least a 1/16th (wild guesstimate) of the world with whom I'm at least very annoyed with. Then take into account the number of people I know who know the ex and that's another very small percentage of people who may cause annoyance (damn you Facebook, damn you to hell.) Then of course we add in all couples on campus and we've got yet another small percentage that irk me. Put all of those small percentages together we've got about, I dunno, another rather small but significant percentage of people who I hate right now. I blame stress and my subconscious (more on that in a bit). Still, there's a great number you people who I hate right now and I just needed to write it down. I also blame my sprained ankle. It only adds fire to my anger. Still one my persevere despite one's own inner turmoil.
Last night I had a dream where I got to yell and scream and smack the ex. Oddly enough another friend was there facilitating this whole thing, except he seemed to be on the ex's side, but it didn't really matter. The fact that I'm dreaming about him disturbs me to no end, but then Facebook (damn it's non-existent eyes) had to keep showing this photo of him with his slag. 'Course the only reason I knew it was him was because I clicked the damn thing. And this stupid sprained ankle thing makes me feel like an awkward idiot. Everything just seems to be going wrong and I can't stop it. I need something good to happen to me or I might just lose all my faith in life.

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