So here's just a little glimpse into the paranoia that dwells in my head:
I have a stats tracker on my Blogger blog that keeps track (surprise, surprise) of everyone who visits my blog. Most people stay for no seconds, but some people stay for a minute or so. I always check those people who stay for a minute or so, just to see where they're from and what parts of my blog they were checking out. Granted the stats tracker isn't too, too in depth, so I really only know what page a person started on and what page they left on. However the other day when I was checking my hit counter (I use Site Meter in case you're wondering) I noticed that someone from my university had been at my blog for one minute and thirteen seconds. That kind of freaked me out I'll be honest, especially considering where they started (Nov. 2008) and ended (this month). I know on the LJ version of this blog there's at least one person from school who reads it (there may be more but they aren't my friend) but outside of that there's no real way to check who the hell is reading my blog. Being all paranoid and stuff, I looked up the IP address I was given by Site Meter. Turns out it was a library computer. Really I just hope whoever was reading my Blogger blog didn't figure out who's writing this. Or doesn't know me and therefore would be unable to figure out who's writing this because there are some people who I would prefer never found out about this blog. I'm weird like that.
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