
My Radio Show

LJ Writer's Block Question: If you had your own radio or television station, what would it be called and what kind of programming would it play?
This is kind of an easy question to answer since I do in fact have a college radio show (wmwc.umw.edu baby!) But in my perfect world, were the minor restrictions I have placed on me are removed, my radio show would be all British most of the time. Sure every once in a while an American or other non-British artist would pop up, but 99.9% of the time I would play British music from the 1960's onward. Honestly though, it wouldn't be that different from the show I have now except I wouldn't be trying to fit in songs that I don't know that well that were released in the last 6 months into the show. I would also play ABBA without fear of ridicule in this perfect world, but that's something completely different. Anywho, the name of my show is "Nora's [Fill in the Blank] Radio Hour" which harkens back to when I started posting Facebook events for my show and would call it "Nora's Ridiculously Named Radio Hour" or "Nora's Awesome Amazing Radio Hour." At least it has a name now. I didn't when I started.

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