
Big Block of Stress

This week has been insane. I've been trying to do things in the in between times that exist in my schedule and the bitch part is that every office on campus closes at 5pm (or 4pm if you're the post office) so I've been trying to get all of this stuff done before 5pm. It's insane and sweaty and I hate feeling like a headless chicken. And then yesterday, to top off this insane week, my Zune fell in the toilet while I was changing for bed. I'm going to be without my Zune until at least late September and possibly until the second week of October. This of course puts a major wrench in my radio show/demos for Westminster because without my Zune I have to rely entirely on the songs that I can burn onto a CD (or two) which is severely limiting because I don't actually own that much new music. I mostly just own old-ish music. I can't use my computer either because I have to use that to record the show in the first place and I don't want to try playing and recording the music at the same time because of feedback from the speakers and the whole thing just imploding. And it's just all so stressful. I hate stress. I also hate being mean to my roommate for no reason. She was pointing out to a friend (who's over in England) that I basically just sit on my bed and nothing else. So tonight I've been harping on that, which I recognize as being emotionally manipulative and that she's absolutely right. I do just sit on my bed and nothing else. But it's not like I'm proud of the fact that I'm a hermit. Sure I act that way, but I know it's strange and outside the social norm to prefer sitting on my bed and watching Kingdom to talking to people and going out and all that. I'm not the going out type. It's aurally overwhelming to do that and life in and of itself is already aurally overwhelming enough that when I don't have to be in classes and the like the last thing I want to do is go out and party or something. And then for some reason I felt compelled to tell Stephanie all about my auditory processing disorder. What was interesting though was how she immediately latched onto the idea that it would be hard to concentrate in class, which can be true if I'm bored/tired. So that's my life at the moment. I am the perennial chicken without a head. Thank God for Stephen Fry or I'd really be losing it.

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