I don't know why I feel the need to write about what I'm going to write about at this particular moment but for some reason I feel the need to address something. It's two necklaces I own. I think I've written, or at least mentioned, both of these necklaces, but now that I have a cord for my camera and some free time, I'm going to write about them. Again, I don't know why I feel the need to do this, but I do. So here we go.
The necklace on the left was given to me by Loghman for my 18th birthday. This necklace got lost, I thought permantly, on the desk in my room at home. You see that desk was like a black hole until my Mum cleaned out of pure frustration with how messy it was. Anyway, I hadn't seen the necklace in quite a long time and now that I have found that I haven't lost it, I've started wearing it again. Back when Loghman gave it to me I wasn't particularly found of it because the chain was so long. But now that I have it back in my life, I wear it almost every day. I've been wondering why that it is, and I've come to following conclusion as to why I wear it so often: it reminds of someone who cared about me and liked me knowing full well that I was crazy. Back when Loghman gave me the necklace I was even crazier than I am now, and so wearing it reminds me that there has been someone in my life who cared about me selflessly (which in Greek translates to agape [thanks literature and religion!]). Given the events of last year, I need a reminder of that however I can get it.
Th necklace on the right I bought for myself about a month after the ex broke up with me and was gotten as a reminder that you create your own luck. At the time it was a sentiment that I grasped onto like a life boat because not only had the ex dumped, and had very quickly gotten back on the horse as it were, but my social and academic life seemed to be going down the drain. Wearing a necklace every day that reminded me, in essence, that I created my own fate, was helpful and reassuring during a time when I needed to be reassured of something.
Of the two necklaces, I value the one on the left more than the one on the right because of the sentimental value it holds. I just felt I should let the world know that about me.
So, I'd just like to start off by saying that your blog is one of several blogs I've been following on and off for the last 2 years, mainly because I think it’s miraculous that someone in the US is as deeply obsessed with doctor who, NMTB and british indie rock as much as I am. I had to drop a comment because by some crazy twist of fate, I unintentionally stumbled upon your radio show tonight. I’m visiting a friend that goes to UMW and she turned on the radio just as they’re switching DJs. We hear Ben Folds and Kasabian and I’m like, hm. I’m liking this DJ. Then I hear the DJ introducing Tomato in the Rain* and I’m like, what the FUCK? Who in Virginia listens to the Kaiser Chiefs? And then somehow, something in my head clicked, and I vaguely recalled reading about someone who has their own college radio show. So I ran to my laptop to check all my bookmarks, and I found out that it was you! At this point, I was freaking out, a) just cause I LOVE this song and it was such an unexpected surprise to hear it, and b) I couldn’t believe how crazy it was that out of all the things I could’ve been listening to, I was listening to the radio show of the girl who’s blog I read to get an American perspective on all the brit stuff I’m obsessed with (which, I’ve got to say, is very hard to come by. You don’t know how happy it makes me that I’m not the only anglophile nutcase in this country.) Anyway, I just wanted to say that your show was great, and listening to it made my night. I swear, the only other place I’d hear a playlist like that is if I left my itunes on shuffle, so it was such a pleasant surprise to hear those songs played through a public forum. And this was just one of those moments when something you find really exciting happens and you just wanna tell someone, but you know there really isn’t anyone you know that would give a shit. So. This is me, venting my excitement to someone who might appreciate it.
*I never realized how ridiculous To-may-to in the Rain sounds. I think every time I read the title of the song, I hear it as “to-mah-to” in my head, and the only time I ever say it out loud it is when I’m singing it, so of course, I’ll pronounce it the British way. But when the song came on today, I had to correct myself halfway when I said to my friend, “OMG, I love this song! It’s tuh..mayto in the rain.” It just sounded really wrong. I laughed when you said, “or as Mr. Wlson would say, To-mah-to in the Rain” cause I would’ve totally done the same thing as you, just so I could say it without sounding dumb in my own head. Just a random thought I wanted to point out. okay, endrant.
Wow. Your comment deserves its own entry (I was actually toying with doing just that throughout the day. Decided against, obviously.) I just can't get over the serendipity that led to you listening to my show. I'm glad you enjoyed and I must agree, no one else in Virginia listens to the Kaiser Chiefs (which makes me sad.) Also, you're comment made my day because a) it means I'm not just blathering into the ether and b) it means people actually listen to my show. And yes, I appreciate your excitement, I would have done the exact same thing.
As for "Tomato in the Rain" the reason I even mentioned the different pronunciations is because as soon as I say to-may-to it felt all kinds of wrong, but didn't feel I could just get away with changing the pronunciation mid-way through. And yeah, when I'm singing along or even just thinking the title in my head I always pronounce it to-mah-to, so saying the wrong pronunciation out loud just compounded the wrongness of it. Of course I do the same thing when words aren't spelled the British way, but it's nice to know someone other than me felt that to-may-to was just wrong.
So yeah. Wow. That's it, just wow.
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