
Non-Topical Points of Interest

I'm home for fall break and here are some of the thoughts/interesting factoids I've garnered since the last time I updated.
  • Glasgow is located in the Clyde Valley in Scotland (Thanks British calendar) [Immediately suspected that Glasgow was involved because of these faces, which I had seen before.]
  • I'm either listening to Mika or a strange combination of playlists and new music, but I have my Zune back!
  • You need elbows to put glasses on
  • Mika is just like Micah, except British
  • The biggest difference between Queen and Mika (in my opinion) is the use of guitars. Basically, Mika doesn't have Brian May
  • I earned a Bronze Artist Power Listener badge for Mika after 3 days (which means I listened to Mika 200 times). I'm working on getting the album equivalent (which means listening to The Boy Who Knew Too Much 200 times). (I know I have an illness, no I don't care.)
  • I am finally in possession of a white tie which means that either my Old Gregg costume is complete or I need to buck up and get some white gloves.
  • I've mailed my application to Westminster (did this awhile ago, but I don't seem to have mentioned it yet) and hopefully it will arrive before Thursday. When I hear about acceptance is up for grabs.
So that's it. The definition of home changes constantly and as much as I needed this break from school, I would have preferred to have spent it not here. So yeah. Can I go back to school now?

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