Five Card Story: A Day in the City
a Five Card Flickr story created by imnora
flickr photo by krutscjo
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by kairĂ³s
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by DavidDMuir
It was a day in a city they'd never been to, enjoying the sites, sounds, and food of this utterly foreign place.
This is so cool! I love the story and the places you chose to shoot. Great quality pics, especially the last one!
very short, but sweet!
You went so very light on the text didn't you.
@cali thanks!
@Jim yes, light on text because the pictures speak for themselves (and there are only so many hours in the day I can devote to this class before it consumes my entire life and I fail everything else I'm taking)
You must have missed my comment on your wall poster post, tongue-in-cheek is hard online, that said, glad you are feel the ds106 pressure, I wouldn't have it any other way. Create so much it hurts!!!
The Richmond train station (picture 2) is one of my favorite spots in our city. It has been around for ever and yet still holds it's own against the growth of the city around it. Coming in from the south on I-95 all you see 40 feet off the bridge is the clock tower.
Great story.
@Frank I didn't realize that was in Richmond (or a train station). I picked it because it reminded me of buildings I saw when I was in London. It is a really beautiful piece of architecture though.
The bridge above Tom's camera is 6 lanes of interstate. A little depressing, but it makes it a unique feature of Richmond's skyline.
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