

Today I went driving. I haven't been out driving since May at least, and today was excellent. There is a park about 15 minutes from my house with lots of empty parking lots and few two way roads that go for a long way. Lake Fairfax is the name. Mums and I went up to the this area I didn't know was there. It was up a hill, up a slightly windy road that someday I will drive down, where there are 3 soccer fields and a place for campers to park and such. At the end of the area there is a smallish parking lot. After a reminder of which was the brake and the accelerator, I drove around the parking lot four times and then went down the road, which was also slightly windy, and drove into the camper parking lot. That end was gravel, which I don't particularly like, and had a little nook where one could park a regular car. Mums thought I would just make an oval and head back towards the other end. I had other plans. I took a straight path towards the very last parking space and with full intention slowing down made my way into the spot. Unfortunatly I gave Mums quite a scare by accidently accelerating into the spot. After calming down I backed out of the spot and headed back to the other parking lot. This routine (minus the slam into parking spot) occured 3 times. As we drove back to the other end one last time Mums wondered out loud whether we were entertaining the camper parking lot attendant. I saw a cell phone in his hand and assumed that the eyes behind the sunglasses could care less. I hope I didn't entertain him. Lord I entertained myself though. One who doesn't know me shouldn't drive with, for I believe said person would never want to know me. I made many odd little noises while making my right hand turns very slowly. All in all a fun 45 minutes. I hope tomorrow will be even better. And one day I will drive down the hill with Mums gripping the side of the door very tightly. I don't care what the crazy lady says, I know driving down that hill will be fun.


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