
I feel fine...

I feel fine, I think I'll go for a walk now. :Falls over: Damn vicodine. Ah but at least it makes my mouth not hurt.
I gots my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I'm now 4x stupider (hohoho.) I'll tell ya one thing. Numb chins are a real pain. I couldn't tell what I was doing when I was sipping my chocolate milk. I was quite worried that I was slopping all over myself. Thankfully I wasn't. So do ya want to here my wisdom teeth surgery story? It's really interesting!
So I went in really, really nervous. I didn't want to do it at all. But I didn't really have a choice. So I was proped up in this dentist chair. The nice assistant person put three monitors on me and then this white cover sheet. Then the knock out person came and put an oxygen thing up my nose, which wasn't very comfortable. Then Dr Bonnaci (or however you spell his name) stuck a thing in my hand and commented on the fact that I have small veins. After el doctero stuck the needle in my hand the knock out guy told me to take some deep breathes through my nose. Then I woke up. The funny thing is after surgeries they always put a blanket over you. I guess it's nice in a way. Just something funny.
So there's my story. I spent the rest of the day in mum's bed sleeping and drinking chocolate milk. After Gilmore Girls I got a milkshake, which was really good. Took another vicodine, checked stuff on my computer, fell asleep. All in all a pretty okay day. Didn't sleep well. Woke up with a great pain in my mouth, after the vicodine and ibprofen wore off. Had some weird thoughts about the whole matter. Noticed that my face was swelling up. Thought that if lied on the opposite side of the swelling, said swelling would stop. Not so much.
Ya know whats good? Scrambled eggs with cheese. :nods: That and ice cream. :nods: Sigh. Thats it kiddies. Have a good time doing stuff.

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