
Holy Diet Coke!

I'm updating two days in a row!! Shock and awe. I felt I owed it to you guys to actually say something about the last month or so. Now it's kind of late, and for me it's rather hard to describe but I'll try. Hmm lets see...
Well my last real entry said that the summer has started off badly. It kinda went down hill from there, but it's not too horrible now. Actually that first week was probably the worst. The after shock of my report card always makes Mum go crazy. Dad was switching law offices, so he's been pretty much out of the whole thing. Which is good in a way. Dad is always worse than Mum. Cold silence is much worse than yelling any day of the week in my book. Anyway, the only way I made it through the week was distracting myself with clarinet camp (which I'll get to) and listening to Keane. Mostly Keane anyway. I've been branching out. Ya know Maximo Park, Hot Hot Heat, Keane. A large percentage Keane. I made it through the worst, like I always do, and have survived to tell the tale. Like I always do.
Now Clarinet Camp. I've decided that I never, ever want to be a professional clarinet player. Nor do I want to go to a music school. Really I would just like to avoid having anything to do with professional playing at all. I don't have the heart. And I really don't want to socialize with the people who do. I've decided that even teachers are either flakes, space cadets or control freaks. Nothing else between the head. No intellect, no curiousity. Oh just nothing I can connect with. I have the love of music to take me through the next two years, but I don't have the passion to make it through the next 6 years. Maybe the only thing that could get me to keep with this through college is if I could find the weirdos. The weirdos would make the others bareable. Oh yes. Oh! One thing. If anyone goes to VCU and knows Dr. West, I'm sorry for the following comment. God what a fucking dick. I totally fucked up the last part of our last piece. I didn't come in at the beginning (no thanks to the 13 bar rest) and Dr. West got me in just in time for my last solo. So when he comes to say hi, no "good job on the solos." No he goes right in the for the kill. I was sweating like a dog and felt horrible. Thanks Dr. West for your fake enthusazem. Really the people I most appreciated weren't the dick who was conducting (though I was thankful for his cues) but the two people sitting right next to me.
Dr. Brian Jones is a bit of an oddball. Different sense of humor than most people, but something I appreciate. He plays bass clarinet, and I'm not even going to go in to my impression of him from last year. Totally false. Anyway, he was sitting next to me the whole time. In my first solo I was so freaked out that I didn't notice anything strange. Mums and Sophs says he was smiling, which was nice. No it wasn't until my second solo that I noticed something. He was softly clapping on his leg. The guy was clapping for me. The only people who have ever appreciated my playing and said so are Ms. Blum, my mom and Judy (in a way.) The fact that some guy who didn't know me, who teaches far more talented students was clapping for me, god it just made my night.
So other than totally messing the fugue, the finale concert went really well. Now I get to retell the "story" all over again tomorrow for Nancy. Yay!
Hmm, lets see what else. Mums took my internet card away, but it isn't a punishment. It's get me to try and control how much time I spend online. Since then I've slept a lot, tried to get my score in spider solitare under 1190 and read a book. The book is my proudest accomplishment. Julian Barnes, just fyi, is a really great author. Kinda like Douglas Adams (GO READ HITCHHIKER'S) but more serious. And not sci-fi/fantasy oriented. More "mature." Right now I'm reading "Talking it Over." I read "The History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters" in a day in a half (ah the irony.) I don't think I'll finish this one quite so fast. Anyway if you've read everything fiction work by Douglas Adams (GO READ HITCHHIKER'S) you should give Julian Barnes.
Hmm...Nothing else to report. I'm going to be doing a survey course of Pre-Calc. There is news concerning a couple of classes I'm taking next year, but I really don't want to go over that again. Very uncomfortable. Just happy I'm not taking french next year. So anywho, not much else to report. Will try to give better reports. Will really try hard to give a better report on t'Chiefs concert (2 weeks 2 days). Like actually tell you about it, which I didn't really do with the Killers/Keane concert. I will try. Goodnight, goodnight...(goes off into a song.)

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