

Hmm...ARTHUR!!!!! Right see numbers 1-5 and 12?? Yeah that's the guy who plays Arthur in HHGG with whom I'm in love with (after Ricky obvs.) So in finding out he was in "The Office" (Brit style) makes him like 20 million times cooler than he already was before. And makes me happy. Also...RICKY!! I really <3rick style="color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">are absolutly brills...:sigh: Damn you Comcast for not letting me have BBC America!!! Anyhoo... I took the ACTs yesterday and this really old friend of my mine form elementary school (hence the really old bit) was taking it as well. We didn't say hi or anything but yeah...it was weird. She looks exactly the same only with slightly longer hair. But yeah it was really weird. Just another reminder of how freakin' old I am and all that good stuff. Ugh.
I'm tired. Here's a picture for y'all. It's R at GMU (Patriot Center...same thing.)
Yeah for guitar playing Ricky. (Hmmm...I wonder what kind of guitar it is...nice inlay on the head. :nods:)

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