

My nose and my fingers are freezing, but Rick's singing so I'm happy. It's funny, today I talked to Farber about my recent feelings of frustrations and about how technically if I dated someone who is 17 it would be pedophilia, decided that my internal fantasies could screw themselves and have been listening to my entire collection of Kaiser Chiefs in my Yahoo Jukebox account for the past hourish and damnnit if I don't feel better. Yeah, I'm weird, I know. But it isn't it nice? I think it's nice.
I found out today that my selection for representing the 70's is actually from the 1980 which kind of sucks. I've been trying to find someone (anyone) from the 70's to be representative of that era. My main concern is that I won't be able to find one that isn't the Kinks. Damn them for spanning so many eras! Damn punk rock for not starting until the late 70's! Damn you all!! But yeah...The Jam came along the same time as the Clash, the Ramones, Elvis Costello and the Sex Pistols. Freaky (though not really.)
My parents have decided that I would make a really good bartender. :nods: Yes friends when I turn 21 I'll be the one giving you your beer or martini. Best not piss me off between now and then.
:sighs: Oh Farber is a crazy, crazy man...

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