

So I haven't had a real post in awhile. Sorry about that. I've been in a bit of a mood, so writing hasn't been foremost in my mind. Actually playing solitaire has. In any event I'm feeling a bit better and thought I might update a bit more comprehensively than I have in the past week or so. Not that there's so much to say. I mean...my life just isn't that interesting. But I'll try.
So I've been listening to Lily Allen like non-stop for the past few days. A friend of mine suggested this site called radio.blog.club which is totally neato. I've decided that if I can't find it on Yahoo, this site is my backup. So that's good.
Bleh...Mostly I've just been feeling overwhelmed by life. I don't actually have that much work, but it's like any work is too much. I guess I'm just not pushing myself. I don't know, maybe I just have a severe case of early onset senioritis. I think the most annoying part is that I'm self editing this journal. I know I am. It's like I have no where to vent anymore. I don't want to "offend" anyone. Or, well, one person. Not that I think she would actually care, but nonetheless. I just hate feeling like this and I'm just tired of not being able to tell anyone. Mum always overreacts, Dad doesn't give a shit because his life is "worse" than mine is, Sophs isn't here and I don't feel close enough to anyone I know to talk about this. It just sucks. I just want someone other than Farber to talk to, like really talk. Not fluffy shit. God. No one gets it! I'm not a sounding board anymore, I don't want to be that. And no, I don't want you're opinion either, please just let me vent. It's just so frustrating.

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