:sigh: So the past few weeks have been crappy. Not even kind of crappy. Just plain old crappy. I've been "working" my ass off trying to get my grades to a somewhat respectable level while also dealing with the fact that I'm a horrible procrastinator/lazy shit. Things have been so-so on that front, but I have been having a wonderful time being utterly carefree with my friends. I've also been pigging out on muffins. Mmmm tasty, tasty muffins. The school thing though, seriously, has been tough shit since my interim which was towards the beginning of the month which, needless to say, has been why I haven't been updating. Or if I update it's piddly shit like this or this or even better this. I apologize for that. I do realize that almost no one reads this, but I should be better. It makes the world go 'round ya know? Something like that. Basically (and now negating everything I've said up to this point) the first two months of school have been shit. Hopefully the next two will go better. I really need them to go better. So yeah...life sucks and then ya die right?
So...what, besides school sucking ass, has been going on? Not much actually. School and school sucking ass has been the majority of my life. Jackie's all moody and Loghman and I are on normal terms (sort of, I'll explain later.) I've been added to the inner circle of the Creative Writing class, which means I get to know about all the drama and shit that happens when I'm not around. It's actually kind of cool because I get to be all lookey-lookey at the great book of power which holds all submissions for the literary magazine and whether things have been approved or not. And Mrs. Beauchemin-Anastasio is all nicey-nice to me. All in all, Creative Writing is my zen class. Actually blue days (odd period days) are the best days. Green days (even period days) have their moments but really I enjoy blues days a whole hell of a lot better. Besides I'm not doing as crappy in those classes as I am in my green day classes. In any event, I've also become buddy-buddy with the editor (Lauren) who likes Keane and is planning on being an ex-pat. Whether it's an English ex-pat or some other country, I've yet to ascertain, but she likes Keane. She gets brownie points, mos def. Also Jasmine and I have been ridiculously silly in English which is really nice. I'll eventually upload some pictures, but lets just say...Ricky doll. :giggles to herself: All in all the social aspect of my life is pretty chill. Except for the minor drama today. Which (thank God) has been abated. So, to the drama!
Before continuing please read this. While it only minorly explains the drama of last spring it pretty much explains the mind set which is rather important for the next bit. So, the next bit!
This week was Homecoming week so today was suppose to be the game. Sadly it is raining and has been since around 5pmish so the game got postponed. In any event, earlier today, inbetween history and chorus (the schedule was weird) Loghman asked me to the football game. And he said he would pay for the tickets. My hindbrain totally freaks but I say yes because what else could I say? So I'm freaking, talk to Dr. Farber who's ecstatic but tells me not to make a bigger deal of it than it is. So I come back to school, go to IB music which is totally layed back and then off to the pep rally. God I hate pep rallies. I also would like to say that high school isn't the best years of your life and if it is you have a very sad life. And everyone in my graduating class who were all spirited this week are hypocrites. In any event I shore up plans with Loghman about what time we'll meet at the school and what happens if it's raining. Towards the end of the pep rally Coach Trout announces that the Homecoming parade has been cancelled and the game postponed. I silently cheer. Jasmine and Alex, who I was sitting with, look really confused. I briefly explain. This is the longer explanation. So yeah. He finally actually asked me out. His timing, as always, is inpeccable. Thankfully it didn't pan out so he'll just have to wait till later to try the whole football thing again. So ha. I will remain single for all eternity!
Anyway...I've got work to do. Tomorrow mind you, but I still have work. I'll try and update after this week, maybe during, but I doubt it. I'll definantly update once the new quarter starts.
Sweeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrr!!!! Baaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Shuuuuuuuuunn! :)
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