
A Small Minority of People Updateu on Sundays

That small minority would include the lovable Nick Hodgson who decided to update the band blog today. Reading his entry brought two questions/thoughts to my mind. The first was, "What the fuck is this guy on?" The second was that the entry reminded me of something I said awhile ago: "From now on I will always assume that rock musicians are either high or drunk constantly." All in all though KC's attempts at this blogging thing are rather amusing and in some small remote way remind me of when I first started blogging. Mind you I was much younger and not at all famous, but still, very similar.
Someone else who updated, not today, but yesterday, was Kirkland Ciccone. The DIY site updated its self yesterday and along with that came two new columns from Mr. Ciccone. The one that I liked particularly was on defining what kind of music the Klaxons make. In reading the article I was reminded of how very desperately I want to be Mr. Ciccone and I also made the decision that a lot of cool people come from Scotland and/or Northern England. Honestly though, I really, really want to be Kirkland Ciccone. Really.
And now for random links to articles I've read over the past few days!! Huzzah!
A Pitchfork drinking game. Alcohol can be substituted with diet Coke if necessary. Lily Allen gets in a fight. No one is shocked. Summer concert etiquette, or something I don't have to worry about. Read all the articles in this link. The reviews of this Dr. Who story arc are hilarious and make me want to see the episodes so badly. :sigh: I love the Doctor. Hot Fuzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the trailer and prepare yourself for April 13th.
:breathes out dramatically: Now that I've gotten all of those articles out of the way I can go back to wondering why people hate updating on Sundays so much. And what the hell Nick was on when he wrote that entry.

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